Chapter Eight: Seething, Sizzling, Boiling, Frying...with Anger.

Start from the beginning

'What's the scumbag's name?!' She asked, you could almost see the smoke coming out of her ears.

Mrs O'Connor definitely didn't like the term 'scumbag' but she kept her cool.

'Ralph. Ralph Murphy.'

'I'm not going to get married to him! Doesn't matter what his name is, or age is, or personality is, I am NOT getting married to him! Decline his proposal! Now! C'mon Oli.'

'Actually he didn't propose to you. He's in the hospital.'

'Then tell him or his family...that...I now very well know how to kill...slowly and painfully...without a trace. If he doesn't love his life, he'll be dead by dawn.' Adelaide said coolly.

'Adelaide!' Mrs O'Connor shrieked. Olivia looked at Adelaide in a braggy manner.

'That's my girl!' She smiled a little.

'Whatever.' Adelaide rolled her eyes and dragged Olivia upstairs.

As soon as they entered their room, Olivia erupted, rage filled words pouring out of her mouth like hot lava.

'How dare he! Who is he to get married to you!? And how can your parents even suggest getting you married. I swear if I find him I'll skin him alive with a fork! I'll boil him in a cauldron! I'm going to chop his head off and give it to pigs! He's dead, you hear me!? Dead! I'll shoot him down and throw him into a volcano! I'll set piranhas on him! How dare they! Him and his family and your parents, how could they even imagine getting you, YOU, only twenty and just an intern, MARRIED! TO A FREAKING THIRTY YEAR OLD FEEN!'

'I know, Olivia, I know. I can't believe it. Why are they doing this to me. They never think about MY opinions. Never let me have a say in matters. And dad never even acknowledged that I existed. And now...THIS! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DEAL WITH THIS?!' Adelaide exclaimed, sitting down on her bed, face red with fury.

'I always wanted my significant one would be someone who knows me. Who knows what I love or hate. With whom I can share anything and everything. Who'll respect me. I don't even know who my parents chose for me can fulfil any of those hopes I have. I...Oli...I can't take risk on this matter.'

Olivia put a hand on on her shoulder, 'You won't. No matter what Ad. I'll always be with you. No matter what. Do you hear me, pal?' Olivia looked down intently at the crying girl.

'Uh-huh? I'll do the same for my crazy pal.' Adelaide smiled.

'I're my little crazy BFF, darling. And, we'll not leave each others' sides.' Olivia stuck her tongue out at Adelaide.


After an hour of ranting, screaming, dancing with Adelaide's pet cat and planning Ralph Murphy's murder together, Olivia left. Adelaide didn't come out of her room even once after that and Mrs O'Connor was beginning to get very worried. She knew the only one who could convince her daughter was her husband. She was worried that Adelaide would do something rash before he came back home.

Thankfully, nothing happened for the rest of the day. When Mr O'Connor came back home from work, she told him about Adelaide's reaction to Ralph. He was not at all pleased by the news.

'Adelaide! Come down here this instant!'

Adelaide huffed, putting her pet Turkish Angora down, she stomped downstairs.

'Yes, father?' She asked, after she reached the living room.

'Your mother told me you protested when she informed your marriage. Why? We want to get you married now, Ada, because we think this is the right time. I do not want to hear any protests. The marriage will take place.'

'But father! I don't even know him!' Adelaide countered.

'What's there to know? He's a nice man. Quiet, cool-headed and he even risked his life for another.' Mr O'Connor replied.

'But, he's ten years older than me!' Adelaide said.

'So what? Does age really matter? In my opinion he is the perfect match for you, Adelaide. I don't want you to go out and get married to someone who would shower you with love at first and then leave you and run away afterwards. I know him, and I know he would do no such thing. The world is a dangerous place, Ad. You are too naive to survive here on your own. You'll end up trusting someone easily and ruining your life. I have more experience than you. I've seen more of the world than you did. So I believe that I can make the better choice for you. I want to see my daughter married to a man who will really love her, not a man who'll feed her with lies, and Ralph is just the guy. Decent, honest, and punctual. I want to see you happy, Ad, and I know he'll make you happy. So why don't you trust me?' He asked, his voice soft.

Adelaide had nothing to say. She loved her father, and this was probably the first time he ever spoke like this to her. She trusted him. Of course she did. She trusted him with her life. So what could she possibly say?

'Fine. I trust you, dad.' She said looking at her feet.

'Thank you!'

'But, on one condition. I'll observe him for some time, before you take any further action.'

'Deal.' He nodded.

'That's my girl. Now let's go have dinner shall we?' Her mother said getting up and patting her head, lovingly. Adelaide couldn't remember when was the last time she did that to her.

'Somebody call those ignorant guys down here. DOUG! DAN! IT'S TIME FOR DINNER!' Mrs O'Connor screamed at the top of her lungs.

'Coming down, woman! Give us some time!' Two voices shouted back at the same time.

'I love my bros.' Adelaide laughed.

'And, they're spoiling their little sister.' Her father concluded.

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