Chapter 10: Rooftop

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“Darcy. Darcy. Darrrrcyyyy…” She felt someone gently shaking her shoulder. She opened her eyes groggily. Rydel was staring down at her. “What time is it?” she asked tiredly. Rydel glanced down at her phone before answering. “Almost noon. Rise and shine!” she said chirpily. Darcy groaned and sat up. Everyone else was wide awake. “Good morning sunshine!” Rocky greeted her happily as he handed her a plate of eggs and bacon.  “Thanks.” She mumbled as she took the plate from him and began eating. She laid her plate down in her lap and pulled out her phone. “This is the last time I ever agree to a movie night/all nighter with the Lynch fam. #sotired @officialR5” She quickly sent out a tweet and slipped her phone back into the pocket of her shorts. She heard Rocky laugh from the kitchen a few moments later. “Oh whatever!” he called into the living room. She giggled as she turned her attention back to the breakfast on her plate. “I’m leaving, mom!” Ross called into the kitchen as he tromped loudly down the stairs. “Be safe!” Stormie returned loudly. Darcy stood up and made her way past Ross towards the kitchen. “Where are you off to?” she asked curiously. He snatched his favorite ‘Surf Naked’ snapback off of the coffee table and put it on his head. “Got a meeting with the Disney execs today. Talking about Teen Beach Movie 2.” He grinned excitedly as he flipped his hat around backwards. He began walking towards the door and then stopped suddenly. He turned back around slowly to face Darcy. “Oh, before I forget.” He said as he walked back to where she stood. She stopped walking as well and turned back to face him. He pulled his phone out of his pocket. “We’re supposed to Instagram a picture sometime today. We might as well do it now; I’ll be gone all day.” Darcy crossed her arms stubbornly. “I’m not really in the mood to do anything Sean wants right now.” She said flatly. Ross sighed. “Look I know you’re upset about the Twitter thing. I understand, but we don’t have much of a choice.” He said, trying to reason with her. She uncrossed her arms and groaned in resignation. “Fine.” She grumbled. She reached over and pulled her black beanie off of the couch; it was tucked into one of the crevices of the soft leather, presumably from her tossing and turning in her sleep. She pulled it down over her unruly waves; she hadn’t had time to straighten it the evening before. “So what are we going for today? Cutesy and sweet, or ‘oh my God, so many Rarcy feels’?” she joked as she braided her hair to the side. Ross laughed as he toyed with his phone. “I think we should go with ‘oh my God feels’ today. Hey, can I get some help in here?” he called. Darcy stared at him, puzzled, as she secured the end of her long braid with a hair tie. Stormie appeared moments later. “May I be of assistance?” she asked, looking mildly confused herself. Ross handed her his phone and jogged back towards the staircase. “Wait just a minute.” He called over his shoulder. They both stared at him, confusion growing by the second. He reappeared a few minutes later wearing only a pair of basketball shorts. He quickly ran his hands through his hair, roughing it up, before flopping down on the couch. He patted his bare chest lightly. “Lay down.” He commanded. Darcy glanced back and forth between him and Stormie. “What…why?” she asked. Stormie’s face lit up. “Oh Ross, that’s going to be so cute!” she gushed. Darcy was still standing by idly, jaw hanging slightly open in confusion. “Could someone please explain?” she asked impatiently. Ross laughed, not moving from his position on the couch. “Lay down on top of me. I’ll get mom to upload a picture to the R5 Instagram. It’ll look like we fell asleep watching the movie last night. We’re going for feels, right?” Darcy grinned slightly. “Oh, that is cute!” she squealed. She took a few steps toward the couch and hesitantly laid down so that her body was pressed directly against his. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head against his muscled chest. His bare skin felt warm and pleasant underneath her own. He secured his arms around her waist, allowing his hands to rest at the base of her spine. He suddenly reached up and snatched the beanie off of her head. “Hey!” she cried as he tossed it onto the floor. He laughed. “You can’t have perfect hair, you’re supposed to be asleep.” He ruffled her hair with his hand before returning it to its original position on her lower back. She reached her own hand up and tugged roughly at the ends of his hair. “Ow!” he complained. She snickered. “Oh I’m sorry, I thought we weren’t supposed to have perfect hair.” She teased. She cuddled her face into his chest and closed her eyes. “Ok, get ready in 3…2…1…” Stormie snapped the photo. Darcy immediately rolled off onto the floor. She snatched her beanie up and tugged it back onto her head. She got to her feet as Ross did the same. “Make sure to tag us both.” He instructed before making his way back upstairs to change. Once he’d left, Darcy turned her attention to Stormie. “Hey, Stormie, mind if I borrow the car today?” she asked hesitantly. Stormie nodded absentmindedly as she focused on uploading the photo. “Of course you can. The car is yours whenever you need it.” She looked up at Darcy once the picture was posted. “So where are you going today?” she asked curiously. Darcy paused for a moment. She didn’t want to reveal her true plans to Stormie. She had decided last night that she needed to speak with Sean, face to face. So far, Stormie, nor any of the Lynch’s aside from Ross, had any clue about her suspicions. She simply shrugged. “I might do some shopping. I just wanted to go out and have a little me-time.” She lied smoothly. Stormie nodded. “I understand completely. It can be a madhouse around here sometime.” She patted Darcy’s shoulder as she walked back towards the kitchen. “The keys are on the hook by the door. Just don’t stay out too late.” She called over her shoulder.

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