And It's War

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A/N: This is a continuation of the last one-shot, Revenge. I figured I would have our favorite characters get into a minor prank war. I've been writing enough sad one-shots that I need some happy and funny ones. 

"How could you?!" Will bursts out.

Crowley raises an eyebrow. "How could I what?" he asks in a reasonable tone of voice.

"I trusted you!" Will cries, his voice cracking with betrayal.

"And...what exactly did I do to lose your trust?" Crowley says, confused. "I think I missed something."

"Snowballs?" Will says. "Remember?"

"Oh...yeah. That." Crowley winces.

"That." Will parrots it back to him. "How could you?!"

"It was Halt's idea," Crowley protests weakly.

Will rolls his eyes. "Yes, I know it was Halt's idea. I'm asking why you and Gilan joined him to gang up against me and Alyss!"

Crowley shrugs. "Halt said he wanted to keep you on your toes. Said you'd been getting soft."

Will scoffs. "Me? Soft? And you believed him?"

"Who knows why Halt does anything?" Crowley says.

Will sighs. "I suppose you're right," he said.

"So what's this flower incident Halt mentioned?" Crowley asks. The phrase had stuck in his head ever since he heard it come out of his oldest friend's mouth.

"Oh, it's just last spring, Alyss and I snuck up on Halt and caught him picking flowers," Will says, smirking at the memory.

"So that's why Halt decided to lure you into a snowball trap," Crowley says aloud. "Revenge."

"Yes," Will says heatedly. "And since you joined him, now you owe me a favor."

"Um," Crowley says, "I just remembered I have something important to do. Ranger Commandant business." He can sense that Will's 'favor' probably involves something that will anger Halt, and Crowley doesn't want to be on the receiving end of Halt's anger.

Will ignores him. "I have the perfect prank in mind," he says. "Halt will never know it was us."

Crowley raises an eyebrow. "Are you so sure about that?" he asks.

"Is there a spice shop in Wensley?" Will asks.

Crowley is caught off guard by the sudden change in subject.

"Yes," he says suspiciously. "Why?"

Will grins innocently. "Oh, no reason," he says casually.

Later, Halt and Crowley are sitting in the parlor of Halt and Pauline's apartment at Castle Redmont. There's a knock on the door, and Will comes in, carrying a small cloth bag.

"Hey," he says. "I brought some freshly ground coffee!"

Crowley's face lights up. "Will! I knew there was a reason you were my favorite Ranger!"

Halt scowls. "I thought that was me, Crowley," he protests. "How many times have I saved your life again?"

Crowley thinks for a moment. "Eleven or twelve," he finally decides. "But Will brought coffee!"

Will disappears into the small kitchen, and a few minutes later, the room is filled with the rich scent of boiling coffee. Crowley sniffs and closes his eyes in appreciation.

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