Dr. June Moon/ Enchantress

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  An archaeologist who is possessed by an ancient evil force that transforms her into a powerful sorceress. Unleashed after a long period of imprisonment, the entity draws the attention of Waller. Delevingne described Moone as "an adventure-seeker who's always wanted some excitement" and Enchantress as "a feral being."Intended to be a recruit for the squad, Enchantress instead seeks revenge against mankind for imprisoning her and her brother's souls in artifacts after years of worshipping them.


Freelance artist June Moone is invited to a costume party at an old castle, and stumbles upon a secret chamber where an unknown magical being (later named as Dzamor) empowers her to fight an evil presence in the castle. Saying the words "The Enchantress" her appearance changes from blonde-haired June to black-haired and costumed Enchantress and defeats a creature from a tapestry. Soon after, she defeats a monster at and a mirage of a demonic creature manipulated by a crook.

In her next appearance, however, the Enchantress is a misguided character fighting Supergirl, who prevents her gaining omnipotent magical power and cancelling all other superpowers on Earth, twice. Her villainous side takes over after this, and the Enchantress then continues her career as a member of The Forgotten Villains and part of the army of supervillains during the '' event

Dr. June Moon/ Enchantress is protrayed by Cara Delevingne

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