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My Romance With The Player

Chapter One

I wake up on the floor, no covers on. Must've been a rough night, I think. I stand and run my hands through my dirty blonde hair. With a big yawn, I walk downstairs to the kitchen, with nothing but a blue tanktop and matching blue shorts on. I saw my brother and his best guy friend, Jake, leaning against the counter, both looking as tired as I am.

"Good Morning.." I show a small grin to them.

"Good Morning to you.." They both say in complete unision. Josh, My Brother, was looking in the cabinet, While Jake was leaning against the counter.

I walk over to the fridge and feel eyes on my back as I reach in and grab the orange juice.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask as I retrieve a small plastic cup and pour the orange juice.

"Well," Josh began,"Jake taught me some lines that I can use to pick women up!"

I look at him confused. "Oh did he?" I glance over at Jake. He was smiling at me.


I smile. "Cool, I guess." I say and start walking out. I run up the stairs with my orange juice and start my daily routine. Straightening my hair, brushing my teeth, putting in my contacts, finding an outfit, putting on that outfit. My day is already hectic, mostly now that Jake practically lives with us.

I was in the bathroom by now. I wash my face with my hair in a bun when the door opens and Jake's head pops in. "Hurry, woman! I have to pee!" He just about shouts.

I jump back at his sudden appearance, and push his head back and slam the door.

A few minutes after I skipped out and ran to my room. He was gone.

Hallelujah, I think.

I dress and yell,"I'll Wait in the car!"

I hear a response. "Okay!"

I walk out to the car and wait. Before I know it, Jake is waltzing out of the house and walking to the opposite side I sat on and sat up front.

I smiled at his silliness and set my head on the window, preparing myself for another Monday in Highschool.

Author's Note <33

Hey Again. So anyways, As a stupid but clever writer does, they make short little chapters and go big right when we get to the plot.

Should I make bigger chapters? And yes, I will also be making you wait about another chapter or two untill I get into the groove.

Any adjustments needed? Comment.


Gtg Now. More chapters today? Yess!

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