Christmas fun pt.1

Depuis le début

We walked out of my room. I was walking until I felt a nice hard slap on my butt.

"Did you just slap my butt"

I sighed and sat down at the table. And started to eat. Hopefully we won't have a problem with what happened ever again. That was so embarrassing I can't believe he actually talked to me like that. It was hot. Like I've never seen that side of Lucas before.

~ time skip to Christmas Eve ~

I was waiting at the airport for Luraen to get off of her plane. I'm standing there thinking about what the hell the boys are doing then I felt a tap on my shoulder.


I very strong but beautiful British voice said.

"Oh my gosh your so beautiful"

I pull her in for a hug.

"So are you. I can't believe I'm finally here"
"How was your flight"
"It's was great."
"That's great you ready to meet your man"
"Let's get going"

We went to get her bags and went to my car and went home. The boys weren't there so I kinda had to put most of the game stuff in the living room and make the office in mot a small bedroom.

"Sorry it's not nice"
"It's great thank you"
"No problem at all the boys went out to get some last Christmas items so you wanna help start the diner for tomorrow"

We started to make most of the desserts and side dishes tonight. It was about 2 hours when Lucas texted me saying there in the way. Last time I told them I was just going to make the office into a nice room and put the game stuff in the living room.

"Ok so the guys are coming back so. I need you to hide in the office now your room and I'll put weapon paper and a bow on the door so he can open it as a present"
"Ok yeah"

She went into the room and shut the door I grabbed some wrapping paper and put it up around the door then put a now on it. I heard the door open and Nat and Lucas walked in.

"Hey boys. You ready to open y'alls first present"
"Ok Nat give me mine and Lucas and Lucas get mine and his and I'll get yours"

I got my present for Lucas and told Nat he's is coming but he hast to wait last. Me and Nat opened ours from Lucas. I got a cute necklace that's like Calises from game of thrones and Nat got a new head set. Me and Lucas opened ours from Nat and Lucas got a picture fram with a picture of me and him and then I got a cute new bracelet. Lucas opened mine and it was a new camera for vloging.

"Now Nat go to the office and open it up."

He did as he's told and once he unwrapped the door and opened it he rushed in and hugged Luraen and they kissed. Lucas walked up behind me and hugged me.

"He's so happy"
"I'm glade"
"I love you with all my heart"
"I love you to"
"I'm going to marry you"
"After you finished college and we get a house of our on. And you say yes of course"
"I'll most likely say yes"
"Most likely"
"I'll be looking forward to it"

He leaned down and kissed my lips.

"What do you want"
"I want to cuddle"

We walked past the office to see them hugging still.

"We're going to lay down y'all do what ever but no funny business."
"Yes big sister"

We walked to my room should just say ours. And laid down on the bed and cuddled.

"About what happened last week"
"Look I'm sorry"
"No don't be. Why don't you act like that often"
"Because I didn't know you liked it and I didn't want to rush into things"
"I mean it's nice to have you all in control sometimes"
"So you like to be controlled in the bedroom"
"What else do you like"
"Well I really love it when you grab my hips and thighs. I like to be bit. I love it when I can be a top but I love being a bottom. I love kisses long kisses that trail down. I like it slow and soft but I also love it hard and rough"

His breathing started to get heavy as I continued talking and could tell he was getting turned on.

"But I like to explore. But I will never share you. Your all mine"
"I didn't know you were like that"
"I am"
"Well anyone I'll have to see this"
"Maybe you will"

I got up and went to check in Nat and Luraen to see them cuddled up watching the little mermaid. I took a picture and went back to my room and laid back on the bed.

"That's a first"
"I know."
"What's up"
"I wanna have sex"
"You do"
"Yeah I just don't want to rush into things"

I thought about it and cuddled up into his arms. He really needs to stop talking he's going to ruin one of his Christmas presents. I've talked this over with Chianne and she said I should. I mean I'm an adult and I can make my own choices but I got this. So I'm going to give myself to him for Christmas. I rolled over and looked at Lucas and just took in all of his face. Sounds weird but why not. I love his brown eyes and his smile. His skin isn't flawless but it's perfect for me. I smiled and giggled at the fact I probably look like some creep staring at him.

"What's so funny"
"I'm just laughing at my self."
"What about"
"Just how I was staring at you like a creep"
"Well if you were a creep I would still love you"
"That's terrible"
"I know it came out wrong"
"Buys it's still sweet"
I love you so much"
"I love you to"
"I'm glad to have you back"
"I'm glad to have you in my arms again."
"I belong here Lucas no where else"
"I'm in love with you and your stuck with me forever"
"I can dig that Lucas. But can you deal with me."
"I'm the only one who can"
"After all this time"

He leaned down and kissed me sweetly and passionately. I could stay like this forever. I got up one more time to check on Nat and Luraen to see that they were fast asleep and I just shut the door and went to lay back down. Lucas was already asleep so I decided it was time to put the presents out and then I went to sleep. Cuddled up to Lucas.

~Merry Christmas mother trucker~

I jumped up and looked to see Lucas sleeping. I smiled and started jumping in the bed.

"Get up"
"Why the hell are you up so early"
"It's Christmas get the frack up"
"Ugh fine"

I jumped down off the bed and rushed to wake up Nat and Luraen. I burst through the door.

"Come on guys it's time to open presents"

Then I ran out and went to sit by the tree. I waited and then I see everyone come and sit down. I passed out presents and while everyone was opening I went to put the ham in the oven. And went back and opened mine. I couldn't believe half the things I got. And everyone else was so happy to get there stuff. Nat almost passed out and Lucas almost shat him self but Luraen was the most calm she just hugged Nat tightly. There so cute. I looked at the last box that could hold clothes and slowly opened it. I looked at Lucas shockingly and he just smirked.

"Chianne sent it."
"What is it sis"
"Nothing at all Nat"

I pulled my phone out and texted Chianne.

~ your dead~
~ why~
~because why would you send me sexy clothes~
~ because for your sexy time~
~stop it~
~fine. Merry Christmas~
~ Merry Christmas~

I put my phone down and placed the box down.

"When are you going to wear it"

I grabbed my stuff and put it in my room.

"So lunch will be ready in about 30 mins and so yeah. Apex is coming"
"Finally another short person in the house"
"I'll cut you"
"Down girl"

It was 20 mins later when apex came over and I set the table and put most of the food out the ham was done and we all got food and sat down and ate. I'm glad to have a mini family. I smiled and ate my food. After lunch we all went to the living room and watched Christmas movies and just chilled together. It was great. Apex left and Nat and Luraen went with him. Cause I'm not going to have sex with children in the house and it was apex idea he took them out and they had fun. But I'm so scared right now. Lucas is cleaning up the kitchen while I ran to the bathroom and shaved all the places that needed it the most. Thank god I have a No!No!. It really comes in handy. I put on the outfit and waited for Lucas to come in the bedroom.

( Hello everyone I decided to make this into two parts. I hope you guys enjoy. Sorry for the late and not updating for a while I was waiting in the smut to be written and that's still not done. And this is why I'm making two parts out of this. I love you all twerp out.)

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