Chapter 23: Never Losing You, Ever

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After he finished washing his hands, he turned around, an evil sadistic smirk on his face.

A shocked gasp leave my lips and I start to back away from the cruel person before me. I pathetically push myself upon the wall behind me to prevent from falling over.

Right before me is the man whose face I will never forget. The same person who killed Chef Jeff. The same man who is after my mate and I.

The man who I despise so much already. The person whose name is JR.

I scream loudly as I desperately try to shake off the hands that are holding me down. I scream even louder, but hands suddenly covers my mouth and I bit down hardly, enough to leave a mark.

The hands leave my mouth quickly and I hear hush whispers around me as I push myself further up on the bed, eyes still closed, too afraid to open them.

"What the fuck Ana? She bit me", someone shrieks and I sit up, my brows furrowed.

"Julie?" I ask and my vision clears and I see a pissed looking Julie glaring down at me.

"Yes you fucktard. Why did you bite me? Are you crazy?" she shouts and I cringe away from the shrilling effect of her voice.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I thought you were someone else", I explain but she only ignores me and left the room abruptly.

"What did I do wrong?" I direct my question at Ana but she only shakes her head, shrugging off my question. "Where is Druce? I need to talk to him Ana". I say to her as she takes a seat on the bed beside me.

"He said he'll be back shortly. So you just have to wait", she replied and I groan loudly.

"Please Ana, tell him that it's urgent. I need to see him now", I beg. "If he says no, tell him I am dying or something".

Ana groans but nods her head anyway and I smile for my accomplishment.


Not long after that Druce frantically rushes into the room searching around with wide, frightened eyes. He assesses me carefully before relaxing after he sees that nothing is wrong with me.

Ana gets up from the bed and exit the room, but not before regarding me with humour filled eyes. I smile at her, grateful for her help as she disappears into the hallway.

Druce still stands at the door watching me with suspicious eyes and without thinking I rush up to him and throw myself on him, holding tightly to his muscular frame. He hugs me just as tightly, his nose immediately going to my neck as he sniffs loudly.

"You told Ana to lie to me", he says pulling back from me and shaking his head almost disappointedly. "You know I was busy Gem, couldn't this wait?"

I release my hold on him and walk to the bed, taking a seat. Druce follows behind after and I look at him, all playfulness gone and seriousness in its place.

"I know who JR is", I blurt out. I watch as Druce's face changes from calm to furious as my words resonates and realization strikes.

He growls angrily and loudly, causing me to flinch from the power his voice holds, not because I am scared, but simply because of its force and effect it has on people.

"How? Where did you see him?" He asks as he gets up and starts to pace the now small room angrily.

"I saw his face yesterday, where you found me. And then, a little while ago". I say looking up at him nervously.

He stops walking and stares at me questioningly, but I try my best to avoid his gaze.

"Gemma, what do you mean by you saw him a while ago?" Druce asks and I nervously wring my fingers together.

"It's too embarrassing and kind of silly", I say not looking at him again.

Druce walks up to me and hold my hands with his large ones. "Tell me", he says looking at me sincerely. "Nothing is silly in this world".

"I kind of saw him in my dreams", I say scratching behind my neck awkwardly. Druce doesn't say anything but touches my arms, urging me to tell him everything.

So I do, I tell him everything from the when I woke up in the strange room, to the kitchen and in the bushes. I told him about the bushes and sawing the man watching them from afar to calling to him and to watching the man leave.

Druce listens to everything I say, not once interrupting me. When I finish he grabs me and hold me to him tightly.

"We were at the border Gemma. We were following upon a lead", he says pulling away to look at me.

I gape at him, flabbergasted to say the least. "But, how? How is that possible? How was I at the border when I woke up in bed? Plus, Ana and Julie were watching me the entire morning. That's not possible". I say deliriously. What the hell is going on here?

I shake my head, frustrated, I really need to visit a shrink or something.

"You're not crazy Gemma. It seems that our JR isn't a werewolf after all. The good thing is that he is in the pack, so it will be easier to catch him because of his scent. But, the bad thing is that he is in the pack, he is dangerous and we don't know what he wants", Druce says while shaking his head.

"Gemma I need you to think, do you remember anything else? What does he want?" Druce asks and I shake my head, everything a puzzle to me at the moment. Except one thing.

"Wait, I remember. He killed a woman", I gasp looking at Druce with wide, terrified eyes. "He killed a woman in the Gamma's house before I woke up".

Druce looks at me apologetically with regret painted all over his handsome face. But why? He didn't do anything.

Druce stiffens after that and I jump from the bed, shocked from his facial expression.

"What?" I ask nervously. "What happened?"

Druce shakes from his stupor and looks at me questioningly. "Bryce found a dead body in the Gamma's house with a message like the one yesterday". He says still in some sort of daze.

"What? What did the message say Druce?" I question him quickly.

Druce turns away from me. "It says- 'You Next Luna'- written in blood".

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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