Part 7 -Noah Porter Benson

Start from the beginning

Olivia awoke the next morning, she slept soundly through the night, first time that had happened in a while. She heard him move as the sunlight leaks in through the curtains. Elliott still asleep beside her, his arms wrapped protectively around her waist. She slowly and smoothly slithered out of his grasp, without waking him. She silently went into Noah's room, who was already awake and ready to start the day. "Morning Kiddo" she said softly as she pick him up. The sun leaked through his somewhat shut curtains, Olivia pulled them open more to reveal the bright day that awaited them. She was so happy that he had slept all night, she was worried that he might not be very comfortable in his new environment. Before she could say anything more however, her cell phone began shrieking in it's own language, drowning out any plans Olivia might have had for the day. She picked it up, "Benson"

"Sargent, so nice to hear you voice, the only nice thing about this morning really."

"Tucker" She said, sucking in a breath, "What is it that I can do for you?"

"I'm so glad you asked, I need a favor, And I need you to work with Cassidy on this one."

Olivia stopped cold in her tracks, She hasn't spoken to Cassidy since the day he was free from his charges, the day he left her. Since Elliott had come back, their was no reason to, and they Hadn't worked with Brian Cassidy in months, "Why? What's the case?" She asked, trying to sound calm and collective. She could hear Tucker breathing over the phone ,"Cassidy wants to earn back into the departments good graces after that rape accusation, he's going to need to go under cover for me at the 12th's precint."

Everyone who was anyone had all heard rumors about the 12th, hwo they were cooking the books, how they would hide accusations of rape and assult to make their stats look better, "why can't you get your people on it?" Oliva asked as she set Noah down in hhis high chair, "Because, you're the best investigative team we've seen in a while, and their's a rape accusation thrown into this mix. Also, they had our star witness sent to the rubber room, if you know what I mean." She did, she had heard about this man, theat he had gone crazy, they tazed him in front of other officers and dragged him to Belview on a psych hold.  Brain mentioned it once, she thought, looking back at it. 

"So what would I and Cassidy need to do?" She asked, now pacing back and forth in her living room, "Cassidy is going to go under cover in the 12th, I need you to be his eyes and ears outside, be his protective detail. Make sure he, doesn't get into trouble. You know?" With that, he hung up, not even bothering to wait for her response. She shook her head, not being able to believe it.  Cassidy gave up on her, Cassidy left her, alone. The only reason she hadn't broken, was because she was stronger then everyone thought she could ever be, stronger then she even thought. Plus she had Elliott, which always helped. She didn't trust Cassidy. Not anymore. But she didn't have any choice. It was with him, or some rookie that had no clue what they were doing. 

"So what's the plan here?" She asked, walking into her office, where she knew Tucker and Cassidy were already waiting. "How did you know we were here?" Cassidy asked, eyebrows raised. "I'm a detective. It's sort of my job to tell things like that, wouldn't you say?" Cassidy said nothing to her snide remark, but Tucker, "Are you two sure you can handle this?"                                      "Not an issue." Olivia said, without looking at anyone. As much as she disliked Cassidy, she hated Tucker more. Anything she could say to get out of that room she would. 

It wasn't that Cassidy was a bad guy or anything, nothing like that. It's just that it's hard to have a relationship or friendship that doesn't have trust. When a case involving Cassidy fell into her lap, She did what she could to protect him, but he resented her for it. He felt as if she blamed him, but all she wanted was a the truth. She hasn't spoken to him since, not that he had tried to make contact with him  in the first place anyway. She didn't hate him, but since Elliott came back, she couldn't really care less about Cassidy. At least, not from a personal stand point. But professionally, he is an amazing detective. He just didn't trust her, but he'll have to get over that. 

"Hey Benson!" A man called from the middle of the squad room. Everyone looked around, wondering who this guy was and what the hell he was doing in an SVU Squad room. Olivia rolled her eyes and laughed as she walked over, as much as she disliked him, she had to be professional. It was him, Cassidy. As if it would be anyone else. "How are you?" He asked, hugging her. "I'm okay, getting through, you know how it is, of course." He smiled and nodded, but said nothing. "Let's get you settled." She said, taking his jacket which hung around his packages in his hands. He followed as she walked him to his desk, she could feel his eyes on her. "Stop checking me out." She said rolling her eyes, Cassidy shook his head and smiled, knowing she couldn't see him, "I like the view". 

"This is your desk." She said, nodding her head to the desk at her left. It was the farthest away form her office, only because the rest of them were taken by Fin, Amaro, Rollins, and El. But it still made her feel better. "The farthest away from you I see..." He commented, Olivia hoped he would leave it. Cassidy was always close, so close that she couldn't breathe. She sighed. "It was the only one open for now. I can't uproot one of my detectives just because you're here." She was about to turn away when he grabbed her arm, she spun around, her face inches away from his. "We'll see about that." She ripped her arm out of his grip and walked back to her office. slamming the door behind her.

A while after the day had begun, Elliott walked into the squad room, Olivia had to be there early so Elliott waited around for Noah's sitter. He noticed Cassidy sitting at the desk right by his, and that Olivia's office door was closed. "Hey Cassidy." He said, throwing his jacket on the back of his chair. Cassidy only grunted in response. "Why is Liv's door closed?" He asked, Cassidy just made the same noise again without looking up from his computer. Elliott grew frustrated with his answers. He got up, and quietly knocked on her door. "It's open" she responded, no tone of happiness or encouragement was to be found in her voice.

She didn't look up when he entered, he could feel the chill in the air from her anger as it spilled out into the room. Like how lava spills out of the top of an active volcano. "Hey" He said calmly after a while of silence filling the room with hot, thick air. "Hi" She said back after. Again the same thick silence filled the room. "What's up?" He asked, sitting in one of the comfortable chairs she has facing her desk, used when she is talking to a detective or the ADA, or a parent of a missing child. "Cassidy." She answered, finally looking at him. she shut her laptop softly. She was already in a better mood. He looked at her, but said nothing, she waited a little while longer in the growing uncomfortable silence that stirred around them. She looked at him, waiting for him to say something, but he quickly looked to his shoes again, "Look i have a lot of things to do, you if you have something to say-" He cut her off quickly, as if stealing the air from her lungs in order to fill his own "Do we have a problem here?" The room turned silent once more. She turned to him, a quizzical look on her face, "I'm sorry? I don't quiet understand what you are asking."                                                                                                                                                                                     He sighed again, "You know I don't like Stabler, he's not good for you, can't you just get rid of him, I mean come on, aren't you in charge here?" More silence filled the room, although it wasn't the silly awkward silence of before, this was dark, eerie, burning silence, like how it feels when you take a deep breath in cold air, setting your lungs aflame silence. Olivia recovered quickly anyway, finding the words to defend someone she cared so deeply about. "That is not your call, detective. I am more than capable of making my own decisions, weather it be in my professional or personal life... Don't you think that it's about time that you went home? It's getting late, and Noah's sitter will get off soon. Don't make me regret keeping you on Cassidy" With that, Olivia put on her coat, and walked out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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