Part 7 -Noah Porter Benson

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"Well, this is it." Olivia thought to herself, as he and Elliott walked hand and hand up the steps and  into the courthouse. This however, would be different then any other case tried. Mother dead, father unknown... he probably doesn't even know himself. How can she raise a child? The judge didn't even really ask, just kind of pointed out to the crowd of people sitting in that room.. "hmm... you seem like a non murder...person, let's try this. So we did, we are. They walked into the judge's chambers. Olivia shaking slightly. How the heck is this going to work? "Have a seat, detective." Said the judge, smiling up at her. Olivia shakily took her seat, looking down, the judge smiled again, "Nervous, Ms. Benson?" She asked, smiling. Olivia looked down for a second and smiled, "Is it that obvious?" She asked, looking up slightly, the judge smiled calmly at her when their was a knock at the door. "Don't worry," She whispered as she got up from behind her desk. "You'll do just fine" The judge walked back in with a ACS caseworker, holding this small bundle of a little boy, worth brown hair, and brown eyes in her arms. He was beautiful. No matter what anyone else says, he was beautiful. Olivia was speechless, she didn't know what to say, or what to do. The judge smiled again, with tears slowly forming in her eyes, she said, "You don't have to say anything, just take care of him like I know you will, he deserves that much... as do you." Olivia smiled one of her few real smiles she had. Noah was handed to Olivia, he really did look like his photos. Lighter brown hair, just like his mother, dark, deep brown eyes, somewhat small for his size, but even more amazing,he was smiling, happy, as if his whole world wasn't just rocked. "Here you go. Take good care of him, he's been incredible these past few weeks, I have no doubt you'll do just fine." With that, the judge shooed them out of her office. 

"Well buddy, I guess it's just the three of us huh?" She asked looking around, she thought she left El on the bench by the judge's office door. She looked around ,then whispered to herself, "Well, maybe just the two of us." She sighed again and ran her fingers through her hair for the hundredth time that day, how was she going to pull this off? She walked with Noah and his belongings out to the courthouse steps. Almost running into Elliott along the way. "Why didn't you wait for me? I was just coming to get the two of you." He asked, taking Noah's bags away from her, "I thought you had left... again." She said, walking with him, He wrapped his arm around her while slinging the bag around his other arm. "That's never going to happen, I promise you, I just wanted to park the car a little closer. We need to do some shopping, don't we?" He asked, a true smile on his face. She looked down, and smiled, knowing that he was watching her. Together they placed Noah in his car seat, and drove to go get lunch, now that all the hard work, seemed to be finally over, the could relax... maybe.

"How do you feel?" Elliott asked her, He looked at her, the emotion running through the two of them like, the ocean rushes over the beach, each wave bringing a different emotion then before. "I... I don't know." She answered finally. Sh looked at him, although she couldn't see his whole face, Olivia could tell he was glowing. HIs kids were his pride and joy. Although he can't always see him, and his marriage had fallen apart long ago, he loved his kids with all his heart. Well, almost... something had to be left for Olivia, After all. But he was the type of guy that believed that the heart would only grow bigger and bigger the more people you found to love. The emotions on her face, while, a lot, and overwhelming, were most importantly, happy. Because to him, her happiness, was all that truly mattered. 

Elliott carried in the bags and other items while Olivia carried in a very tired Noah, He had the right to be anyway,  it was getting really late. Olivia opened the apartment door, Luckily they had the chance to get some of the major things set up. Like a crib, and changing table. Everything else could wait until morning, And with Elliott's help, and the time off work that the Captain had given them, they could get it done in no time. "Alrighty" Olivia said, picking Noah up out of his carrier, I think it's time for bed." Olivia sat and rocked Noah in his rocking chair for a while. Trying to calm him after a long day of running around. Elliott walked in after a while, everything was put away, and taken care of. "Hmm" He said, leaning against the doorway. She looked up at him as she moved to place Noah in his crib. "What?" She asked, she walked out and turned out the light. He looked at her, eyes glistening with pride, she has, what she's always wanted out of life. She finally has a family. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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