
Start bij het begin


I stood by the door, ready to leave, Camila stood by me, muttering things about Diego under her breath. "What?" I asked, looking at her, but secretly looking around for Leon.
"Huh? Nothing I was... Where are they?" She suddenly asked, looking around for everyone.
"I don't know, they're somewhere, anyway Camila can I tell you something?" I asked shakily.
"Is it a secret? Because I can just read your-"
"I think I wanna be a vampire," I blurted. She looked more worried than I did.
"What?!" I heard someone say behind me. I closed my eyes.
Don't be Leon.  Don't be Leon.
I slowly turned around and saw Marco's worried expression. I let out a sigh of relief. "Violetta, you can't be serious,"
"Yeah, it's just a thought isn't it," Camila said.
"Ok then, I know I want to-" I was silenced by Camila when she gestured to Leon who was walking over to us with Diego, as Nathalia, Fede and Ludmi followed them.
"Hey, love," Leon said casually.
I, however, was reaching my ultimate blush. He winked at me when he noticed I was blushing and just when I thought my cheeks were hot, they burnt.

We walked side by side through the snow when he stopped. I looked at the big building in front of us. The boring grey and the bright fires that burned around it hurt my head.
"Someone could use colour advice, I mean seriously," Ludmila mentioned as I couldn't help but laugh.

"So, who's ready to kill?" Was the last thing I heard, I was pretty sure it came from Marco.
Now, I'm standing here, in the middle of a fight. I haven't experienced anything like this since the food fight in 8th grade. "Watch the hair!" I broke off from my thoughts and saw Marco tackling some devilish looking guy, Marco punched him and stabbed the blade in his heart. "I told you to watch the hair," he smirked as the body turned to dust and he looked my way with a slight smile. His expression changed as he gestured to something behind me. I turned around and saw some guy slowly walking towards me, I didn't know what to do.
He got closer and I froze, I really shouldn't have come here.
He smiled deviously and creepily before pulling me closer to him.
Why am I frozen?
He didn't have a blade or any weapon. To be honest, he probably didn't need one. His hand stroked my cheek and stopped at my neck.
He held my neck, I hated being frozen. You'd think in a situation like this you would fight the guy. But you don't, you freeze out of pure fear. He leaned closer to my ear and whispered, "no one will notice," his disgusting breath made my neck feel dirty, "it won't hurt," he said. That's when it hit me.
He wasn't going to kill me.
I tries to say something, anything. My eyes instantly searched for Leon. He was busy with Diego, and Camila was with Ludmila. Fede and Marco both taking on a group. I realised I was stuck, far away from everyone else. The idiot gripped my arms harshly, "come with me!" He snarled in my face. My eyes were closed as I tried not to cry and I tried to hit the guy, but I was stuck.
I was punched in the stomach and thrown over his shoulder as he ran.
"Like I said," he stroked my arm, "this won't hurt," he harshly pushes me against the wall, the impact causing me to scrunch my eyes shut. Not wanting to see what happens next. His hot breath lingered on my neck. If I knew one thing for sure, it's that he's gonna do much more than bite me. His hands touched me and I let out cries of help. He held my hands above my head, this is it.
I screamed as loud as I could when his body fell on me, I opened my eyes to see his injured body on the ground. He struggled to moved before it turned into dust. I let out more than a breath of relief. I let out tears as I saw Leon holding a bloody dagger in his hands. It immediately dropped when he saw me and I literally held on to him for dear life, sobbing on his shoulder. "Leon, I'm sorry," I whispered as he tensed up.
"Don't you dare apologise Violetta, you don't need to,"
I smiled at him and looked down at my shaking hands. He held then and they automatically stopped shaking. He dragged me into the room where everyone was fighting, I looked around at the chaos. Nathalia wasn't her calm self, she was literally a warrior out there. Killing everyone with one swift move. I felt Leon place a dagger in my hand. "Go," I told him, "Leon go," he looked at me as I nodded. He ran to Diego, as I turned around and saw one of them leaping at me with a freaking sword. I lifted my shaky hand and pierced wherever their black heart should be. All I know is that I stabbed somewhere on the left side of the chest. He fell in his knees slowly before he fell to the ground and disintegrated.

Holy shit I just killed a vampire.



1) after this book is finished I will be slowly updating as school is starting again and I'm working on two books off wattpad and when they are conpleted, I will publish them on here (violetta fanfics)

2) I have an ask book, called "I don't even know" that literally only ONE person has viewed, plus I think a lot of authors do these and I live for my readers to get to know me more so please go check that out and comment questions I'll gladly answer, nothing too personal like my address or whatever😂

3) one of my books, "now" is fairly popular but I feel blocked with it atm so I really don't know whether or not to stop updating until I feel like updating again or just delete the book.

Anyway, please tell me your thoughts on the chapter and the 3 important notices. THANKS

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