Part 2 (the crush)

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Papyrus POV

As I,the great papyrus  saw mettaton with one  arm and needed to get to alphys i rush over to the crowd and pushed every body back then they got mad and went away. Mettaton said"thank you what's your name"
Papyrus said happily"papyrus and I'm such a big fan" Mettaton smiled as I said "I'm such a big fan".Mettaton said"thank you beautiful"I blushed  as he called me "beautiful" he walked off with a smile and went to get fixed.When I looked at my brother,sans he had a smile on his face and said "you have a crush on Mettaton" when he said that I papyrus have a crush on Mettaton I blushed and I said nervously "no I don't ". Sans said "yes you do" as papyrus said "fine brother I do have have a crush on him". As I said that I blushed a dark orange and we went off to Toriel's home.

(sorry for making it short again but please comment,vote,and follow me)

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