
666 43 54

. ((o(・ω・' )(o))
   /   /

    ヽ    ヽ ♪

Fubuki: *Hugs plushie tightly* Yay~ This book has finally reached 1K votes~ (ノ)////ω////(ヾ)All thanks to chu guys

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Fubuki: *Hugs plushie tightly*
Yay~ This book has finally reached 1K votes~ (ノ)////ω////(ヾ)
All thanks to chu guys. *throws sparkles at all of chu* Dun sneeze!
 ∧,_,∧ ナオレー
⊂   ノ    ・゜+.
 し'´J  *・ °。

Gouenji: *Sneeeeezeee!*

Fubuki: *Eyes sparkling* (((o( '💥▽💥´)o))) I wuv chu guys mooooore then Gouenji-kun~

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Fubuki: *Eyes sparkling*
(((o( '💥▽💥´)o))) I wuv chu guys mooooore then Gouenji-kun~

Gouenji: *dies*
 /    ^ ゙ヽ、
, /   ,' 3     'ヽーっ
,i      ⊃     ⌒_つ
, |          ...::i/
,ヽ、      _::::;;イ

Fubuki: Eh......(´◦ω◦`)。。。。

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