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Fubuki: Got tagged by miibitlala

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Fubuki: Got tagged by miibitlala.
Why world... (ヾノ;_;)ノシ

1. Single or Taken?

*Gulp* ...... Taken by so many boys. (/'Д`)/ Dun judge.

2. First Animes?

Uh...... Love stage, Naruto, Black Butler, Pokémon, Beyblade, Bakugan, Kamisama Hajimemashita, Shingeki no Kyoujin, Death Note and One-Punch man.

3. Wattpad families?

Hmmm.... The_Gentle_One , Magumi-Yashi , Kishibe_Taiga , Yukimura_Hyouga, -_Tsurugi_Kyousuke_- , bellalidashi11 , -_Fubuki_Koharu_- , -_Tasuku_Ryuenji_-.
(*゚▽゚)ノ Chu are all my families by the way.

4. Do you hate me?

(*ㅍωㅍ*) I dun hate anyone.

5. What gets you in trouble most of the time?

( ㅍ_ㅍ)🍺 *sippp* The answer is

6. What is your height?

(╭╯๑ ื●益● ื๑)╭╯ 5'9. I'm too short!!!! Even though I got a nice body, MY HEIGHT IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!

7. Birthday?

24 May. ❣❣(*'╰╯'๓)♬*゜♊

8. Anime crush?

*Cough* Chu already know.

9. Wattpad girl best friend?

bellalidashi11 (Yandere)
Magumi-Yashi ( DUN CALL ME SNOWMAN! 😭😭)
The_Gentle_One (My adorable daughter •3•)
-_Fubuki_Koharu_- (Imouto~ ♥)
and all of chu of course~ (・ω・)ノ

10. Wattpad guy best friend?

-_Tsurugi_Kyousuke_- (Tsundere :3)
Yukimura_Hyouga ( *Cough* Rapist.... T^T)
Kishibe_Taiga ( Need a hug...? ❤)
-_Tasuku_Ryuenji_- (I miss my son 😢)

I dun Tag anyone. *Throws sparkles* (∩^o^)⊃━☆゚.*・。


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