"Apologize to him, now" I said to Paige trying to keep my cool.

"What I'm not apologizing to an omega" she said outraged.

"We do not mistreat people in this pack. How many times do I have to tell you and your clones that? Either you apologize to him right now or deal with me your choice"

"Sorry omega"  she said sarcastically.

"He has a name and I don't think everyone heard you"

"Sorry Chasin" she said louder rolling her eyes.

"Now leave" I said using a bit of my alpha tone. She and her crew got up and stormed off. I heard her mumble something along the lines of how stupid it was that I was sticking up for a worthless omega.

"What was that Paige?" I said poking my head out the doorway  knowing she could still hear me.

"Nothing alpha"

"That's what I thought"

I went and sat on the couch not feeling like playing anymore. Chasin walked over to where I was sitting, laundry still in hand. Everyone was looking at us and I knew that made him nervous. I felt the need to comfort him but held myself back.

"Thanks alpha" he said before bowing and taking off.

A few hours later everyone had eaten dinner and were preparing for the announcement. I was up in my master bedroom taking my time getting ready. I wanted to look presentable since I would be standing in front of everyone.

I took a shower, wrapped a towel around myself, and went in the closet to pick out an outfit. I decided to wear some slacks and a ruffled top and wedges. I didn't want to wear a dress since the whole point was to show that I strong enough to be in charge and I didn't want to look like a pansy. I didn't bother with make up since I hated the stuff and put my hair up in a simple bun leaving out a few loose strands.

I took one final look in the mirror and was satisfied. I walked down stairs and out the back door. There was a stage and a podium set up and chairs had been set out for everyone.

I looked around and noticed only.half of the people had arrived. Even though I had taken my time I was still early since I didn't spend hours on my appearance.

I went and took my seat next to my brother and parents.

"Hey peanut head"  I said ruffling my brother's hair. He smacked my hand away smiling.

"I told you not to call me that"

"You're my kid brother it's my job to do things you don't want me to do"

"Yeah whatever. So you ready to be the alpha?" he asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be"

"Cool you think I could run the pack for a day or two while mom and dad ars gone?" he asked excitedly.

"No" all three of us said in unison.

"You're going to be staying at your aunt's young man. You call Lindsey if you need her but you are to stay out of trouble" my mom scolded.

"You guys never let me have any fun" he pouted and we just laughed.

"Alright looks like everybody's here so lets get this over with" my Dad said getting to his feet and stepping on the platform.

Everyone went silent as he looked over the crowd.

"Thank you all for coming. I'll just get to the point. There are a series of meetings being held in Britain to address some issues that they have been having with rougues fleeing to the states from their country. They fear that these rogues seek to build alliances here and then go back to take over their territories. They have requested the help of the top alphas which as you know includes myself to devise a plan ensure they are not successful and prevent any future problems.Your Luna and I have decided to extend our stay meaning we will back in a few months time after the meetings are over and we have seen the better side of what the country has to offer. Our plane leaves in the morning and we have decided to leave our daughter Lindsey in charge while we are away. It will give her an opportunity to prove to us that she can handle the position of alpha when I step down. She has had years of training and we feel she is more than capable. Falcon of course will assist her and we will be constantly checking to make sure everything is running smoothly. That is all. Lindsey would you like to say a few words before we disband?"

I took a deep breath and went up to join him. He stood aside to let me have the floor.

"Hi everyone. I just want to let you all know that I take this position very seriously and for these few months I will do everything I can to protect this pack and ensure its safety. Words can not express how much it means to me that I have been given this opportunity so you can rest assured that I will do nothing to jeopardize the trust and faith that has been given to me. We are family and will stand united as always no matter the situation. All I ask for is your cooperation and support and that you go about your daily lives as usual. You can come to me with any issues and I will address them best I can. If there are no questions thank you and good night"

People applauded and nodded in approval some even shook my hand as they left. Tomorrow morning I would officially be the alpha of my pack. I had dreamed of the moment and it was finally going to be here, I couldn't wait to do the job I was destined for.

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