The castle halls were exceptionally quiet as the lone girl walked through them, humming a familiar tune to herself that she heard as a child. Missy used to sing it all the time, but the words were probably long forgotten by now.

As she approached the Great Hall, Olive found herself nearly running into Professor Lupin- who had just gotten back from somewhere for the past two days. He's been sick quite a lot recently- which has started to become a small routine for DADA class.

"Sorry sir." Olive squeaked, her cheeks going red with embarrassment as she and the professor were knocked back a few as they collided.

"Ol-Miss Lark, it's okay. No need to apologize." The Professor said, giving her his usual warm smile. Olive returned it, but a question filled her thoughts as she stood with Lupin.

Why was he absent all the time when he appeared to be healthy at times like these? Sure, he looked a bit tired and sported a scratch or two- but he teaches the dark arts, who wouldn't teach that field of they hadn't had any experience?

"Professor Lupin?" Olive asked, mustering up some courage to ask the question she's had in her head since the beginning of the year. Usually she only spoke to teachers unless she was spoken to first, but this year she felt a pang of courage she hadn't had for the past four.


She paused, and took a breath.

"Sorry if this is a bit personal... But did you know Mr. Sirius Black before... those things happened?" Olive asked, pulling at the hem of her sweater nervously as she shifted from foot to foot with a hint of anxiety.

The man went a shade paler, looking down at his shoes before returning a questionable look with the usually silent student. Professor Lupin looked down at the girl, eyebrows raised.

"Black?" His voice was a bit higher, as if he was covering something up, "We went to school together."

Olive nodded, knowing that Remus Lupin was having trouble deciding if Sirius was innocent or not.

She also knew that he was best friends with her sister Missy, Sirius, James Potter, and the real man that betrayed Harry's parents to Voldemort, and that Peter Pettigrew was here in the castle.

Professor Lupin was lying to Ollie, and they both knew it.

The Professor sighed, looking at the girl who looked so much like Missy- who had been there for him along with the rest of his friends.

"How about this Friday night you meet me in my office- perhaps around seven or eight- and we can talk about this." He explained, scratching the back of his head.

"Okay, sir." She said with a small smile, turning to walk into the Great Hall- which was only condensed down to one long table since there were only a handful of students who remained at the school.

She took a seat on the end, curling her legs underneath her as she began to help herself to some steaming food. Teachers and students also sat down at the table, but not next to Ollie. The girl didn't mind though, she probably wouldn't say anything to them anyways.


"Our favorite Ravenclaw."

"How are you?"

With that, Olive slammed her head down on the table, letting out a small sigh. Hermione- who was sitting a little ways across from her, gave the girl a sympathetic smile as Fred sat across from her and George right next to her.

"Please, just leave me alone." Olive groaned, "I don't need you two to breathe down my neck every millisecond."

Ever since Olive had gotten really sick from that night out in the cold, the twins have been more watchful of her. They've annoyed her about bundling up, washing hands, sleeping, eating, not going outside when it's cold. Nat, Cho, and Cedric have been worse in the past when it came to keeping Ollie out of her hobbit hole.

"Hey- we just want to make sure you're having a nice holiday." George put his hands up in defense.

"The holiday just started. Like today."

"And are you having a good time?"

"Well I was until I was rudely interrupted and bothered." Olive sighed, trying to focus mainly on her meal. She didn't want to be in a bad mood when Christmas was only the day after next.

"Come on, Ollie, it's Christmas Holiday! Cheer up." Fred said with a smile, adjusting his jumper that adorned the big letter 'F' on the front. All the Weasleys seemed to have one- even Harry. Ollie thought it was quite cute.

"I am." She stated simply.

"You're all alone in the Ravenclaw dorm, aren't you?" Hermione spoke up, "Why don't you stay in the Gryffindor dorm for the Holidays? We're the only ones there."

Ginny nodded drastically, not wanting her and Hermione to be the only girls for the Holidays. It was nice to be the only ones in the castle- but when you're outnumbered by boys, it gets quite annoying.

Olive looked from Hermione, to Ginny, and then to the twins, who were grinning wildly. She wanted a quiet Holiday this year, since she was staying alone in the Ravenclaw Tower. However, being alone on Christmas sounded sad to her- especially since Missy and her usually spent every Holiday together.

"You don't mind?" Ollie asked quietly, pushing her peas and carrots around her plate with a fork. The muggle-born witch smiled brightly, nodding her head.

"We don't mind at all." Ginny piped in.


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