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A single tear fell down my face as they took my father away. At least he would be safe.

"Oh Beauty, stop those tears." Peter said brushing the tear off my cheek with his thumb. He kept his hand there and caressed my cheek. "We don't cry for pirates." He said chuckling and released his hand from my cheek and shoved me into the cage my father had been kept in.

I fell onto the floor and scrabbled up as he slammed the door shut.

He then whipped around and faced the five boys who stayed behind while the other three took care of my father.

"Boys! Back to camp!" He yelled and with that they obeyed and ran away in the opposite direction of the way my father had left.

"Night night princess." Peter winked.


The next morning, I woke up to the slamming of cage bars. I opened my eyes startled, and got up quickly to see who was causing the commotion.

Face to face with me was Peter Pan.

"Hello doll, how was your rest?" He smirked.

He then surprised me by opening the cage door. I looked at him in confusion and then looked at the now open door.

"Come, come on. Get out." Peter motioned me out annoyed by my puzzlement.

I hesitantly stepped out, and Peter closed the cage door behind me.

"Why am I outside of the cage?" I widened my eyes in fear. "Are you gonna kill me?" I shuddered at the thought.

All Peter Pan did was chuckle.

"You must be foolish to think that I would kill someone as innocent as you. You may be a pirates daughter, but you sure don't act like one. I've seen pirate girls and you're not one of 'em." He laughed.

"Oh." Is all I could say.

"Why are you so innocent?" Peter said guiding me toward the path he had walked last night when he left. He held the square of my back as if he had to push me forward in order to move.

"Um... I mean I guess cause I lived at home and never really left the house, plus my father never told me about how he was Captain Hook and how you're his enemy." I said shrugging.

"Well that definitely explains it." He said as we entered a wide open clearing where a camp of tents and a big bonfire was set up.

All eight boys were currently sitting around the fire joking and laughing as they ate what smelled like trout.

"Boys, if you didn't know already, this is Beauty, she is going to be with us forever." He put major emphasis on forever.

All the boys turned to look at me and the three older boys who I recognized had taken my father back to his ship were eyeing me up and down like I was prized meat. I felt very uncomfortable.

"Now boys, let's treat our new lost girl to a round of hide and seek." Peter smirked.

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