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Saturday, August 27,2016

Now that I had successfully made it through my first week-two days in actuality-of school, I had the two day weekend to wind down and relax. India and her circle of friends invited me to this über huge kickback Wen was throwing, the entire student body minus Mason Hathaway would be there. Quite frankly I didn't want to be bothered, my chillin' in the house game too strong. And the sad looming fact that if I had gone, I'd only know five people out of the nine hundred fifty-three in attendance.

After taking a shower and doing my usual 'Get Fresh' hygiene routine, I put my clothes on. Deciding on the tomboy-ish look, I dressed in a rusty red-colored cropped hoodie, distressed denim shirt, white t-shirt dress, thigh high socks, and slipped on a pair of white Nike hightops. Of course I tied the 'fit together with my mother's gold heart and key two row necklace.

I threw my curly hair up into a topknot bun and grabbed a book-Rupi Kaur's 'Milk and Honey'- along with my phone and earbuds. I chose to venture out of my room (for once without anyone telling me to) and down to the backyard patio, to read and listen to 90's rap music. I vibed with my eyes closed and rapped along to Dr. Dre's 'The Watcher.'

"Things just ain't the same for gangstas. Times is changing, young niggas is aging, becoming O.Gs in the game and changing. To make way for these new names and faces, but the strangest things can happen from rapping. When niggas get wrapped up in image and acting. Niggas get capped up and wrapped in plastic zipped up in bags;when it happens, that's it. I've seen 'em come, I've watched 'em go. Watched 'em rise, witnessed it and watched 'em blow. Watched 'em all blossom and watched 'em grow.
Watched the lawsuits when they lost the dough. Best friends and money: I lost them both. Went visited niggas in the hospital. It's all the same shit all across the globe, I just sit back and watch the show. Everywhere that I go
ain't the same as befo', the watcher."

I could've continued on in my tranquil state, but I was jolted out of my trance, by a big and heavy ass hand- that without a doubt belonged to my 'dad.'

I removed one earbud and spat out,"Fuck you want?"

Nixes shot me a stern look,"Watch that language."

"Oo-h shit, so-orry."

Nixes laughed at my fumbling words,"You're just like your ol'man."

"Mhm." I roll my hand, indicating for him to get to the point.

"Taranee and I are having our neighbors the Hathaway's over for dinner tonight, they have a six year old granddaughter and a son your age. I trust you'll at least keep the boy company and try to entertain the girl."

"Sooo, when will these so called Hathaway's be here?"

Nixes opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by the loud ringing of the doorbell. He gave me two thumbs up wished me luck, and ran off towards the front of the house.

I let out an exasperated sigh and pushed myself out of the lawn chair, following Nixes steps. From where I stood, I could here the adults greeting each other, a little girl's impatient cries to 'play' with the older girl, and a velvety, deep voice talking to my father.

I stepped forward into the corridor to show myself to those who were there. Taranee said something to the famiy and the boy standing at six feet and ten inches turned to take a sideways glance at me.

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