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Exactly two weeks ago, my elusive father contacted Aunt Trinity to send for me. I hadn't heard from him after my mother died ten years ago. I've lived with his older sister in Chandler, Arizona since I was five years old. Not a card, letter, or anything, and now that I'm fifteen he wants to call. I guess Aunt Trin had been sending him pictures and telling him about all my accomplishments over the years. No doubt she told him about me being a track and field junior Olympian, and about all the talent shows, along with the competitions I've been in.

My dad, Nixes Lueeth, a Nation Football League athlete turned actor and business mogul. He's the founder and CEO of a popular sports equipment company, a bunch restaurant chains, executive producer for many different television shows and movies, and he has several other projects. All of which makes him a successful multi-billionaire. Nixes probably just wants to show the world that he has a daughter as talented and athletic as he is.

In his message, Nixes said that he wants me to move to Ohio and live with him. Basically he just wants to make up for lost time and show me off. Ten years was already a long time to miss out on your child growing up, he doesn't want to waste anymore time.

So today I embark on my journey across the country to Akron, Ohio.

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