She looked a little skeptical at first but decided to let him buy. Besides he's right. She didn't want to be hungry tonight on their date.

"Okay. Fine. You can pay. But only because this is a date."

She ordered the four cheese pasta with a side of French fries. While Adrien ordered a burger with French fries. Adrien attempted to make conversation while they waited for their food.

"So tell me about yourself. Act as if we have never met before. I only know a little bit about you and I would love to know more."

"Well what do you know? I don't want to say something you already know."

"I know you like to design and play video games. That's about it though."

"Yes I do love doing those things. I also like to cook and help out my parents in the bakery. I don't love it but I do it often enough that I could. I love being late. My last name is actually a combination of my parents last names. Also I love to sew almost as much as I design. Now enough about me. What do you like to do?"

"Well I have to do certain things for my father but some of them turn out to be pretty fun like fencing and playing the piano. I do wish my father wasn't always so busy. Ever since my mother died he's been distant. He treats me horribly. I wish we could be one happy family again." He said with a voice crack at the last part.

Marinette looked at him. She never knew about his mother. She felt so bad for him. She grabbed his hands, looked at him in the eyes and said "I'm so sorry about your mother. I never knew."

"It's okay. I don't tell many people. I don't think Alya or Nino knows yet so please don't say anything to them. I don't want them to look at me with pity."

"I won't. Don't worry I get the importance of keeping a secret. Especially a big one you can't tell anybody."

She didn't even think about what she said. Adrien eyed her suspiciously and she hoped and prayed that he didn't ask any questions. Did her prayers work? Nope.

"What do you mean 'secrets'? What secrets do you have that nobody knows?"

Oh god! How was she gonna escape this one?

"Ummm... I'm allowed to have secrets without telling my friends right?"

He eyes her suspiciously even more. He decided to let it go and just continue on with the conversation.

"Anyways..." Just then the food came. He was so relieved. He didn't know what else to talk about. They sat there is silence eating and sneaking quick glances at each other but for no longer than a millisecond. When they both finished they paid and got ready to leave. It was almost 9:00 now and Marinette had to be home by 10:00.

Adrien took Marinette to the park by her house where there was a blanket laid out so they could lie down and look at the stars. Before they laid down though Adrien took Marinettes hands and made her look at him.

"Dear Marinette,

I've been thrilled by you for quite so time now. You were always nervous in front of me and I thought you didn't like me but was I ever wrong. You liked me more than I could ever imagine. You made me happy. I've never been this happy before. I've always felt as if I had no one in my corner but no you are there. You are my corner. You are my happy. You are my world. I don't know what I'd do without you. With this being said I don't know how else to ask other than to just ask. Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend so that I can call you mine?" As he asked the last question he pulled out a box with a necklace that said Mine on it.

She was stood there in silence at first. She was so surprised she didn't think her dream would actually come true. Without even thinking she then shook her head yes and jumped into his arms almost knocking him over. She took the necklace out of the box and handed it to him to put on her. She looked beautiful with it on. They then laid down and looked at the stars for a while. Before she laid down though Marinette took her heels off. Her feet felt so much better. Marinette then snuggled up into the crook of Adriens arm. She loved this. This was the best date ever. She could get used to this. She never wanted to leave or move. Unfortunately the timer she set for 9:45 went off signaling that she should start heading back. She stood up as did Adrien. She looked at him and said "Goodbye Adrien. I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Don't be silly Marinette. I'll walk you back to your house. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you walk alone in the dark?"

They walked back together basically at each other's side the entire time. They got to her front door but before they went in she said "We should probably say our goodbyes out here. I don't want my parents watching me as long with Alya."

"That's true."

She leaned into his chest and gave him a hug. He leaned back and put his arms around her. They stayed like that for a few seconds. They leaned back and looked at each other. She said Goodbye one more time before kissing him on the cheek. She then went inside while he just stood there. Oh! He couldn't wait until tomorrow to see his sun again. With that he started to walk home and called Nino on the way.

-At Marinettes house after she walked through the door-

When she walked through the door and closed it Alya and her parents came rushing up and asking her questions about what happened.

"I will answer your questions in a minute just let me sit down and take these heels off. They hurt my feet."

She sat down on the couch with Alya on one side of her and her parents on the other.

"We will do this in an organized fashion. I will tell you everything about the date and then you can ask questions."

She began to tell everything from the moment she walked out the door to the moment she walked back in. She left out the part about Adriens mother though and the whole secrets conversation. She wanted to keep Adriens secret. She wasn't going to betray him. Then she got to the park part. She stopped.

"What happened next?" Alya pestered her.

"Ummm... Nothing"

"Ooh! Something happened. Your hiding something. What aren't you telling us?"

"Nothing. After dinner we walked home."

"No. Somethings up. Tell us. Unless you just want us to call Adrien and find out ourselves." Alya said as she waved her phone up in the air showing that she's not afraid to do it.

"Okay. Okay. I'll tell you. We got to the park he grabbed my hands. He looked at me and asked me... He asked me... If I would be his girlfriend."


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