chapter three

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After we got all of are gear on I noticed I forgot my hat so I had to were a spirit mountain hat that was pink. After that interuption we started up the road to reach the tubing center. After a while we went through the woods becuase it was faster. Finally we got there and bought are tickets and grabed the littlest tube and went up the tow rope. When we got to the top the we went to the fastest and longest lane and we al went down at the end of the hill we hit a mat that stops you but it fliped us. We all had bloody noses and they made us go. When we got home are parents were mad we couldnt put are  finger on it. They told us to go to bed and we siad no.  When we said no the screamed and yelled at us until jess finally asked what we did. They said we spent 50$ on there tab in the chalet. We all laughed and that made it way worse. The next morning a woke up with gunk in my eye i blinked it out. No one was awake so i decided to hit the hill. I went stright to the terrian park and shred it up i was a little sketchy at first but after a couple runs i was ripping 360's,720's,and douple corks. Once i got tired i went to the villas and every one was up and the car was packed. Bye everyone i said.and we got in the car to drive back. 8 hours we were home.  

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