chapter: 2 captured

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"Hey you." Maya turns around to see Jeff siting under a tree. "Hey." she says nervously. Jeff stands up "So what are you doing here Maya? "Oh and by the way don't try killing any of us. Or you will leave in a trash bag" Jeff says. "I got word that what I was looking for is here." she says her voice hiding her nerves. "Were being watched. come on out I am not here to kill any of you. But if I am attacked, I will act." Ben drowned, Slender man, Eyeless Jack and, Masky. come out from behind the trees. "What are you looking for?" Ben asks." That is none of your consern." she says " Aw come on Maya. " Jeff raises his hand "You are in our home you could a lest tell us." She stays silent. "No? OK then." Jeff snaps his fingers. her scythe is knocked out of her hand and a bag is put over her head. Then she black out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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