Can't Say Love

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Chapter 1: November 15
(everything in this chapter is true)
(Isabelle's POV)

When I found out Hunter Hayes was going to be in Iowa, my mind automatically told me to run upstairs and tell my mom. I bugged her for months about it! Though it was more than three hours away, it was so worth it! What I didn't know was the day I told her about the concert, she bought two tickets, but they were the third to last row on the floor, so the balcony was above us... "It's a small theater." she told me.

Before you knew it, it was the day to go see Hunter. I left school early that day to meet my mom for the concert. I had my gym bag full of makeup, heeled boots, a new pair of skinny jeans, hair accessories, a new scarf, my Hunter Hayes jacket, my wallet, and my new shirt. So there we were, just my mom and I, for a three and a half hour drive to go see someone who doesn't even know I exist.

We took the suburban that day (thank god for the darkened windows in the back) and realized we didn't quite leave early enough. I was still in my school uniform and we were less than an hour away. My mom asked me if I still wanted to change. "Ya, but we don't have enough time to stop and let me get dressed." So there I was on the interstate, in the back seat, trying to get into skinny jeans and two inch heel boots. When I finally got dressed I slid back up front and my mom was pulling into a gas station. "What are you doing? We are going to be late! It's five forty-five!" I freaked out. "Just relax, I'm hungry, the doors don't open until six-thirty anyway." she answered. "We still hav to drive like another twenty minutes! But okay, can you get me some mints? Oh, can you get Hunter a Recess too?" I asked her. "You just stay in here and get your makeup done okay?" she told me. "Okay." I responded.

When mom came back out to the car I had my makeup done and we were off again! I ate a mint quick and put Hunter's recess into my pocket. "Do you have the tickets?" I ask my mom. "I hope so, check in my purse." she told me. I reached back and grabbed my mom's coach purse. "Yep, here they are!" I said. "Good, now put them back in there, so you don't lose them." she ordered me.

About twenty minutes later we were driving by Hunter's busses, the front of the theater, Hunter's trailer and a long line of people. We only had twenty-five minutes until the doors opened so we drove around and found a parking garage. Right as soon as I stepped out of the car, I went to the back and grabbed my poster. On one side it said in glow in the dark letters: "Lets be crazy!" and on the other side it said in sparkles: "we pick up where we left off". We walked into the elevator and went down to the first floor. We parked right behind the theater so we walked around and I took a picture with Hunter's bus, "Sir Duke" (yes, that is it's real name). We had fifteen minutes to spare and there was a very long line so we walked across the street to take pictures with the theater lights. After that we walked to his trailor and took pictures. The concert didn't start until seven-thirty and right then it was six-thirty-five.

We walked back to the theater and went inside to give the lady our tickets. She scanned our tickets at six-forty-five then we had to go stand by our door while we waited for them to open up. It was exactly seven o' clock when they opened up and it took us around ten minutes to find our door. It didn't take us long to find our seats because we were right on the end.
After the first act we went to the restroom and went to check out Hunter's merch. My mom bought me a pass to meet Hunter after the show.

Before we went back to our seats, we took some pictures by the stage. We went back to our seats and took pictures from there. Right when the lights darkened I picked up my ipod and turned it to video. The lights started blazing, then they stopped, the crowd went wild. There were only about one thousand, two hundred people there. In the balcony there were about one thousand and on the floor there were about two hundred. The lights started blazing again, but this time they didn't stop. The crowd went even wilder! Before you knew it, you heard the sound of guitar and drums. We all knew the tune, it was "Storm Warning". Pretty soon we all saw a five foot, six inch, handsome boy standing on his new stage. "Aw let's get crazy tonight!" Hunter yelled! "She rolled in from the west in her summer sundress, hotter than the heat in July..." Hunter and all of the crowd sang. When "Storm Warning" was over, I put my ipod away in my pocket with my phone. Hunter let the audience go nuts for about a minute while I was holding my sign up on the side that says "We pick up where we left off". An eight year old girl was celebrating her birthday in the balcony so Hunter wished her a happy birthday, and started talking about how he started his career. I don't know why but I had my sign up the whole time and as I was staring at Hunter in his black converse, jean jacket, tight white shirt and ripped in the perfect spot jeans, and as he walks over to the left side (where I'm at) I hear: "I like your sign by the way!" and points to me. Everyone looked at me and I was so freaked out to say anything I stayed quiet. The next song was "All you ever" and Hunter kept walking over to the left side and pointing at my sign, smiling and nodding. The thing he said after that song was how awesome he thought his fans were. It was awesome how he said it feels like we are his family. I cried during the next song which was "Cry with you" because I had an uncle die that year from cancer and that was the only song I would listen to because I knew he would always be there for me. After that song all of my makeup was gone but the next song made me happy again because it was one of my favorites, "Somebody's Heartbreak".

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