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 We arrived at Chick-Fil-A and Jonas opened about every single door for me. the car, the entrance, you know. I thanked him for being a gentleman and I cant say that Im not uneasy about all this. It is so weird, all that with Jovani is even effecting Jonas too. He used to be just some random kid working at a restaurant and now he is becoming more than that. 

I learn more and more about him everyday. I start to realize little but significant things about his positive personality that I honestly want to find out everything, Its like a novel you get into and cannot stop reading. You want to know the backstory, what is going on currently and what the future holds for the characters. Jonas is nothing but a short story to me as of now. The ones you find in some place random and read for the heck of it. But I feel like he will become a novel to me soon enough.

"So, what do you want to eat?" Jonas asked trying to hold back and obvious laughter. He could find humor in almost anything, I like that.

"Chicken nuggets and lemonade" I said smiling at his sarcastic joke. 

"Okay babe. I'll be back." He said standing to his feet from our table for two. He awkwardly but quickly turned around, figuring out what he said. "I... I didnt mean..uh.."

"Its okay." I giggled and he took a breath before heading up to the counter. I watched how he walked with his head held high, not in cockiness but in happiness I think. He flipped his blonde hair every once in a while, and his sleeves were rolled up. I couldnt help but smile as I watched a little boy crying to his mom for a cookie. I smiled because right after Jonas bought him two. Not many guys would do that. 

I watched out the window for a moment and noticed a familiar vehicle. I couldn't think of who's until I saw Julian Jara step out, he then helped Daniella out of the passenger seat. Great. They both hate me I think and now they are about to come in here and hate me even more. But I mean this isn't a date, right?

"Hey, I got the food." Jonas smiled with a red tray full of food in his hands. He sat down across from me as my stomach slowly sank. I hadn't watched to see if they came in here or somewhere else or if they are to the building yet.

"Thanks." I said almost too abrupt and awkward. He gave me a quick smile before sippin his drink. 

We talked for a while about the food and random things like the weather and it was nice. For the time being. I knew our serious parts of this little meeting would be coming my way and I wasnt sure if I was prepared or not. Its like I want to just get it over with but at the same time it is coming way too soon. I care about Jovani and I think I met it when I said I loved him. I saw a lot for us and now that he hates me I dont know. Was he too protective? I contemplate whether its a good or bad thing that he saw Jonas as threat. 

I turn my attention to the front tables as I see Julian and Daniella sit down. I dont think they notice us but I feel nauseous all of a sudden. I dont know if I should convince Jonas to leave throughout the back, crouch down really far or just plain approach them and get this done. My stomach churns and Jonas makes a comment about how I dont look too well. 

"Can.. can we get out of here?" I said, feeling more sick then before. He nodded simply before throwing our trash away. I waited for him to come back, and I leaned my head on his shoulder as we headed out of the horrible, but delicious place. 

"Are you okay, are you feeling sick?" Jonas said as we neared his car. It was much smaller than the twins truck and was definitely different. 

"Yeah a  little. I just needed to get out of there." I sighed sitting down in the comfy, leather passenger seat. Jonas sat down in the driver's seat, his blue eyes deeper than usual and I could tell he was thinking about something.

"Yeah, they probably don't like me much right now either." He laughed slightly sitting back in the seat. I gave him a look of confusion. "Daniella and Julian? I saw them too. They probably are not the biggest fan of me either."

"Yeah. I just wish all this drama would stop. Ya know? It is just.. everything was so easy.. and now it feels like it is all wrong." I put my face into my palms, as all my thoughts of my best friend and this boy flood my mind. 

"It isnt all wrong. But I know what you mean." Jonas agreed. I sniffled a few times before looking up at him. I dont want to cry, it seems almost hard to. My mind is upset but my heart isnt. I cant explain it.

"Well what isnt going wrong?" I ask lifting up my head. 

"This." Jonas smiles before softly, but passionately crashing his lips straight on mine. My sick feeling goes away and as I kiss him, I feel a smile grow on both of your faces. 

Just A Fling//Jovani JaraWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu