.1.Welcome You Say?

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//A/N A new fresh update, getting back to work as you my dear readers can see. Finally updating and all. Check out my work called ''Bloody News'', there you can find all of the information about new updates and other stuff like that. As always video is not mine and I would appreciate if you would open this in youtube and like that video.

Video:Gasoline X Savages

Edit by: Zen-Kun

Thank You.//

(Y/N) P.O.V

I was sitting in my ward just staring at one of my favorite walls where I drew forest.

I sighed and leaned my head on plain white wall hugging my knees felling how cold slowly sank in my skin. I was feeling down again and there was no entertainment for me already a year or so. I lost count of days I spent in here long time ago, nor do I cared anymore. What's the point in keeping a track of time in here anyway? It's not like I will come out of here anytime soon. I could have tried to escape but then again, what's the point in that?

Sometimes I want to talk, but all of all of these people I'm seeing everyday, there's none of them which can keep up a normal short conversation. I could compare them to brainwashed sacks of pills, rotten from inside and out. It was because of the pills they were forced to take every damn it day in this deep hell hole. I don't take mine, usually I hide them under my tongue. I know better than to trust doctors, besides no one really cares about our well being. This asylum is created for people which gave up and there's no way how to help them to go back to their sanity. It's not like I want to be sane again, yes I know I'm insane but for me it's like a another chance to live my way. Or probably I should stop agreeing with voices in my head.

A small almost innocent smile stretched out my dry lips, making delicate skin to break.

Licking your own chapped lips tasting this oh so well known metallic flavor you sighed.

Your cold stare dropped down on your arms and you looked at them seeing a few long scars coming down your hands from your wrists, honestly it looked like you tried to slit open your own wrists. Bullshit really, you never pitied people which did selfharm. In fact, you despised them.

Your vision blurred as you attentively listened to your own heartbeat and shallow breaths.

Feeling wood under your hands and incredible pain in your palms you frantically tried to crawl back while looking up at the woman in front of you, her face was too blurry to make it out for you but that angry and hateful scowl was all what you needed to see to know that she's more than dangerous.

She reminded you of an old black and grey photo which was smeared in a black sharpie, mostly her face.

Your body and mind is screaming danger. She was holding something in her hand.

She suddenly raised it above her head and brought it down right in your lying form.

Your eyes snapped open and you realized it was yet another one of your hallucinations as you called it.You hated them,not because of gore, but because of the empty feeling they were leaving behind.

You couldn't tell how long you were sitting like this.Your jaw was tightly clamped as your teeth were buried in your flesh. You were yet again biting your arm. A habit of yours to calm yourself down.

Your hands were all covered in your bite marks, some were deep, some were barely visible and some were already fading away.

You couldn't remember your own past, questions about it angered you even more. Sometimes you have nightmares or visions like this, but you can't be sure about that. One day you decided to examine your own body, it was an easy task. In your visions you always were harmed by unknown people, and in reality your body was covered in various scars, so you compared your hallucinations and real life scars finding out that they indeed were linked.

Sighing you harshly messed up your hair feeling how irritation is crawling up your throat like some kind of a dirty monster. you choked on a thin air, and of course on your own ugly and helpless sobs. Great, another one of your beautiful breakdowns.

You didn't know what or who turned you into this ,but whatever the hell it was, you were determined to find them and make them pay. Maybe that's why you were still alive, thanks to this dream of revenge.

Seems like your fate was cruel to you and someone took a major role in it to make it worse. You turned into a dirty, coldblooded killer with no memories on who you used to be. A shadow which sometimes scared even you.

Snapping out of your own personal hell, you noticed that it was already dark. A little note is laying under your door.

'Someone was here' you thought while getting up and slowly approaching it. Making sure that it was safe to pick it up you slowly crouched down grabbing small folded paper in your cold hand you unfolded it reading silently.

It was saying you were moving out of here in a new asylum.

You lifted an eyebrow at this new information, it's not like you really were bothered by it, but honestly it was surprising considering that fact that this asylum was a dead end for you and others anyway. Humming you chuckled already liking this idea. You missed sky, fresh air and other casual things which you used to see every day.

A small spark of hope sparked in you, only for a second, only to be swallowed by that thick and nasty darkness which filled your numb and exhausted body.

Normal P.O.V + A Small Time Skip

Your panic attack stepped back and you stopped struggling. Now more calmly and without force you climbed in van with others as your name was mentioned. You glanced out seeing sun and bright blue sky with white clouds which looked like a cotton candy to you, you smiled sadly. You already forgot how nice it feels to be outside those dirty white walls, to look at the sky with no care in the world. That was short lived when the last man jumped in and van doors slammed shut.

You were used to be numb but that didn't mean that you enjoyed the felling of metal harshly rubbing your skin, irritating it, so getting annoyed with that damn it mouthguard you moved your jaw making it crack.

That trip was awfully silent and you guessed that new asylum was somewhere deep in the woods or something like that, that road was bumpy as hell and you were jumping from your sit here and there.

When you finally arrived, you were too very tired to give a damn at your new surroundings.

''Greetings newcomers, it's a pleasure to meet you all in this wonderful place. You can sleep peacefully knowing that we will take care of you all.'' A woman in her late thirties with a pleasant appearance greeted you all. You twitched as voices in your head chanted word 'FAKE'. She as fake, her forest green eyes were giving her away, it looked like she was looking trough you all not seeing anyone in front of her.

She scribbled something down on her notepad and with a small fake smile nodded for these people to place you in your new place where you will spend the rest of your life.

Even if you were tired and annoyed, you couldn't help yourself but to wonder what will happen next. It was a whole new challenge for you after all.

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