Forgive and forget

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The rest of the car journey went slowly and awkwardly neither of us spoke and i was perfectly fine with that but id started to sense leo's unease through the bond
After and hour of no talking and the tension growing leo finally spoke
"He'll be angry because he ordered me to stay at the palace and me taking you without talking with him will no doubt infuriate him."
"What are we going to tell him?"
"The truth i guess"
"And that is" i pressed
"That my loving wife missed her family dearly and her fabulous husband took her to see them she got rather agitated when her husband decided to cut the visit short because his sister came informing him that their brother is pissed and his wife is safer at the palace" he replied sarcastically
"You can tell him then I'm sorry I tried to have a proper conversation with you" i sassed
Leo was silent until we arrived at the palace
I walked inside to see Alex sat on his throne looking angry as ever, Leo walked right it 
"Im home now you can stop sulking and please save the lecture for later Bella and i are not in the mood" with that he came right back out and marched upstairs
I walked into the throne room and apologised for Leo's behaviour
"It's fine dear but what happened between you to" Alex asked
"Don't ask me!" I replied
"I'll see you tonight at dinner"
"See ya"
I walked into the living room and put on the tv watching friends for half and hour until leo came down and stood in the doorway
I ignored him for a while before pausing the tv and turning to him
"Im sorry can we just forget about this please"
I could feel his regret and desperation for forgiveness through the bond i cracked
"Sure, i think were both tired, its been a long day"
The rest of the day went smoothly but i still missed my old  simple life

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