Wait what

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"i know, but, i just wanted to make her happy,"
"what about keeping her safe?You know that alex just wants the best for her"
"yes amber i was there when the prophecy was read i know that the baby is the only thing that will keep her alive and it breaks my heart that i cant! I know why alex ordered the existence of the child, i know that if they find her ill loose her, trust me amber I KNOW"
I broke down crying it was all to much i need Bella alive, i cant loose her, i've had countless nightmares over it, i need her

"I'm sorry leo, its not fair on you, it must be so horrible"
(sniffle) "it is"
"bring her home leo, we can all protect her their, she is safer at the palace"
"ok, it will break her though"
"i know leo, but unless you want a steak through her heart i suggest you work it out"
"thanks sis, ill let her know that we are moving"
"great, see you at home!"
She sashayed out of the room
I walked into the bathroom to see Bella staring at me
"who might find me?"
Shit she heard

💜💜💜💜Bella's POV💜💜💜💜
What secrets is he hiding from me, i need to learn the mind link thing soon so i can learn whats going on in his head
"how much did you hear"
"all of it, someones looking for me, and there was a prophecy stating that only my child can save me from dying so we're moving back to the palace because you can protect me from whoever!" I said
"who is it?" I pushed calmly
"the question you should be asking is what is it! Bella, your part werwolf, the next alpha female, they want you back and their thoughts are if they cant have you no one can!"
"i'm sorry Bella, but you're my true mate, i had to take you, i love you"
"the next alpha female?"
"your parents were planning to marry you off to the next alpha when you reached 18"
"i thought they loved me
Leo: they do, but the wolfs think you belong to them, you don't, you belong to me"
"i thought we went over this, I am not a possession" i said angrily

A vampire bride **complete**Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat