The morning after

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"thats no way to talk to your husband" he was so smug
"i thought it was all just a horrible dream!"
"poor baby, i told you, your mine now"
"what time is it?"
"i have to get to class"
"i have to enrol"
"you were serious"
"how else am i gonna stop other men from being around you"
"possessive much"
Leo smirked i could tell he was thinking dirty thoughts, then i remembered i was naked
"Disgusting man!"
"You love it"
"Hate it actually but oh well, thats not gonna stop you!"
"Probably not"
"great, i hate you, and meg really betrayed me!"
"if you thought that was a dream you have a really weird mind to think up something like that"
"well i obviously don't have the luxury of that!"
I got out if bed and i could feel Leo's stare bore into my back
"stop looking at me" a groaned as i knew he wouldn't
"well no doubt everyone in school knows your married now"
"what do you mean?" I was really confused
"rumours spread, you body is mine to stare at!"
"thats rank, your disgusting"
"thanks babe"

I walked into the bathroom, i was a bit sore, then when i looked in the mirror i saw a hickey on my neck
"yes baby, aww you called me leo for the first time"
"do you want it to be the last"
He chuckled and walked behind me wrapping his arms around my waist
"so what have i done to make you angry?"
"sucking on my neck and leaving a mark"
"how else would all the guys know to back off"
"1 your rumours, 2 do you think a hickey was gonna
"i like it when you moan," he wispered in my ear
I blushed at his words then i looked back i my reflection, i looked older somehow, more elegant my skin had turned from a tanned olive colour to a pale white, my eyes flashed from brown to red making me jump out of my skin
"you need to feed" leo stated
"its not happening"
"we've been over this before and i got my own way then too!"
"i wont do it" i argued
"yes you will, trust me"
"my trust is something you must earn!"
"you will drink" i sounded so sure  but i was a very stubborn person
"i am not a monster, it won't happen"
"you'll be drinking animal blood"
I whimpered loudly
"it will be ok my love"
He brought in a deer, snapped its neck and slit its throat  it was already dead when he brought it in
"i hate you, you killed that poor innocent creature,"
Humans do it all the time my little hypocrite!"
"i still hate you"
"no you don't" he answered confidently
Then the smell of blood reached my nose, it smelled sweet and metallic my whole body began to shake and i felt my front teeth extent in to fangs i lost control and flew at the animal, my teeth pierce its neck and i sucked all the blood out of the animal, i started to gain control again
"leo, i hate you so much" i began to cry at the monster i had become
"i had to get you to feed somehow" he argued
"I have to get to class"
"ill see you in a bit babe"
He came closer and i backed up he pinned me against the wall and his lips met mine it was sweet and short but i hated him for what he had just done so i pushed him off me and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand
He chuckled and i walked into my wardrobe to get some clothes
I wore a floral rara skirt and a black tee. Then i set out to school

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