The amount of times I had to apologise to one of the nurses because he had said something a little rude. But I couldn't blame him. He'd been couped up in bed for a few days now and I knew he just wanted to be alone with me.

Xavier was ready and waiting before I had even got to the room. Once I was there I helped him out of his bed and grabbed his belongings.

Soon enough, we were making our way out of the hospital. The taxi I had called earlier was waiting for us already outside. Xavier and I jumped in.

"Em." Xavier whispered. I looked to him and quirked my eyebrows his way.


"I'm sorry for putting you in danger. I'm sorry for letting you down."

"Don't be so silly." I let out. He didn't put me in danger, I did that myself. Nothing was his fault, I didn't blame him for a thing.

"No, Em, I'm serious. I'm fucking beside myself thinking about it. I couldn't sleep last night."

"Nightmares again?" I asked. He looked to me and he furrowed his brows.

"I don't have them anymore." He clipped before turning his head away from me. I knew differently. He was prone to them, he had them almost every week.

Last night I slept beside him in the hospital bed, we weren't meant to but Xavier always had his way. I heard him, he talked in his sleep.

"Xav, you need to stop worrying about it. What's done is done, you're safe, I'm safe. We're happy."

"No!" He turned around quickly. "We're not fucking safe, she's still out there. Em if something happens to you again-"

"Don't." I whispered. I was trying not to think about it. "Just don't, please." I pleaded. Nothing happened to me, his mother shot him, not me. He didn't need to worry by longer. I was going to make sure she was gone for good.

The bald taxi driver suddenly turned around and asked for his money. He had a deep voice and his beard was scruffy. I gave him his change and Xavier and I got out of the taxi, which smelt like leather and ciggarettes.

"Enough of this worrying now, okay?" I grabbed his hand. "I just want you happy." Xavier sighed.

"I am happy." He grabbed me by the waist with his two large hands. "God, Angel, you know I'm happy with you."

I was content with his answer and I took him back to his room.

As soon as I stepped foot inside it smelt like Xavier, the smell lingering around the room. It was like we had never been away. Even though it had been a while.

It reminded me of the night I accidentally woke up here. So many things had changed since then.  I never would have thought this man who had the world on his shoulders would be engaged to me.

Everything was where we left it anyway. His room was surprisingly tidy, it always was. He was extremely organised and that shocked me, he didn't seem like the organised type, not when he wore his converse with the laces all messy. Not when his hair was just as messy as that. Not when his shirt was tucked out of his scruffy holey jeans.

Xavier [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now