Transfer Out

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​It was like going through of wave of people, this sucks. I eventually made my way through the sea of people and entered the dark hallway of the office. They faculty who worked here always kept it dark. I entered the office to find Miss Bellatrix, angrily talking on the phone in Italian. The woman looked Amazonian, minus the height. I remember Halloween a year ago when she came dressed as a warrior maiden with Mr. Vargas, she looked like something straight out of Greek Mythology book. Anyways, I sat down, following her non-verbal instructions as she rapidly spoke on the phone.
"Sí, she's here! No, you know what-a, Shove it up your-" she looked up, remembering I was there. She mumbled something in Italian and slammed the phone down, making me flinch. She took out a nail file and began going over her finger nails.
"Sorry, Elizabeth-a, Lucius will see you now." She told me, sighing. She always had arguments over the phone, and I think she had them with Mr. Vargas, she always seemed put out afterwards. I thanked her, and slowly made my way around the offices. I passed by Mr. Beilschmidt's office, then made it to Mr. Vargas'. I knocked on the door, and a loud German called me in. I entered and the door shut behind me. Mr. Vargas always kept his room dimly lit, and there were ancient roman weapons and banners decorating his wall. It didn't exactly feel welcoming.In fact, it creeped me out most of the time. It wasn't like a museum, it felt like a tomb of sorts. Mr. Vargas, who I thought for sure he looked like he was part of the mafia with his suits, sat in his leather chair, which was almost as big as he was. He looked like a modern Roman soldier, if I didn't know him from school; he would have terrified me on the streets. Mr. Beilschmidt was sitting on the desk, holding a large stack of papers. Mr. Beilschmidt was a little more laid-back, and had a smile on his face.
"Please take a seat, Miss Elizabeth." The blonde German man said to me. I uneasily sat down and waited.
"Miss Homes, it's come to our attention that a few students had a few raising concerns about you."
"What kind of concerns?"
"That maybe you aren't exactly a best fit for this school." Those words rang in my ears, "It's not out of-a anger, or someone-a trying to take a hit-a out on you," I guess he noticed the look on my face, "It's more out for you." He said, folding his hands together. He slurred that word, as if it meant nothing to him.
"Vhat Lucius is saying, Holmes, is zhat we are very vorried about you and the others. Zhe boys, and zhe girls, don't always control zhemselves, and ve, nor anyone else, vant you to get hurt." He explained, smiling at me.
"I can say that without a doubt that I can handle myself, and several people I know won't let anything extremely bad happen to me." I stated, crossing my arms and leaning in my chair.
"Well-a, that's not what I heard." My eyes widened, "But I won't get into that, it wasn't directly school-related. Now, me and several other faculty members, with concern of the students who have come to us with concerns, have come to this decision. You are going to be transferred out of Second High, and be placed in another school." I glared at him.
"I have not had any part of this, nor have I had any discipline referrals!" I said, "You can't send me out for not doing anything. I haven't requested to be sent out for safety!"
"I'm afraid this is out of your hands." Mr. Vargas told me, "Although I have enjoyed coming home and my two actually doing homework at home, I cannot in good conscious allow you-a to stay-a here anymore-a." He told me.
"Since when has any faculty member of this school has had safety in their mind!?" I scowled. The two stared at me.
"I don't want to leave! There is no reason for me to leave! I love this school, as crazy as that sounds."
"You are not a criminal, you don't behave badly, you excel in academics, Miss Holmes, I just can't see vhy you should stay here."
"Why has this not been a problem before?" I demanded.
"The students are the ones who raised the concern for your safety, zhey are doing it out of concern for you, not against you."
"I don't care, they can't control whether I stay or not."
"Unless you get a severe disciplinary action, there isn't anything you can do.
"But that isn't right! Half of these students don' doesn't matter! You can't do this!" I told them.
"The paperwork has started, I'm afraid it's final." Mr. Vargas told me. I sat in the chair and stared at the floor.
"The paperwork will take two weeks, I'm sorry Miss Elizabeth, the only way was if the paperwork got destroyed, the entirety of students who came to us recanted, or if you had a severe disciplinary referral, it's out of our hands." Mr. Vargas explained. I didn't say anything, I was heartbroken.
"I believe you are changing this school, if it was up to us, you'd stay. You make our jobs a lot easier-a." I just looked at him, hopefully showing how empty I felt on the inside.
"You may go to your free period now, if you vant." Mr. Beilschmidt showed me out, and the door closed gently behind me. I passed by Miss Bellatrix and Miss Gertrude (Or Gertie as I once heard Mr. Beilschmidt say). I stopped in the hallway, and wondered who would have been the person to orchestrate all this. Then, I remembered what happened last night. I growled, coming to the realization, and marched for the computer room. Since it was a study hall, some of the guys would go to the computer room and goof off, playing video games and or just sit in a circle and continuously insult one another. Mattie, or James as we called him in public, refused to let me come sometimes. And when I did, he would force headphones on me and tell me to play Yandere Simulator or Minecraft, or something stupid. I knew where I could find the culprit. I slowly opened the door. There they were. Mattie, Francois, Andres, Lutz, Roland, Xiao, Fang, Viktor, Griselda, and the next victim of a good tongue lashing: Allan. Allan and Mattie sat off by themselves, while the group was laughing at a computer screen. I took my phone out and messaged Griselda. She immediately looked at her phone. She grinned.
"Oh mein gosh, I forgot. Hey, Morgan did zhe crasiest thing in the gym, ve all should go look at it!" She snickered. The group got interested, and I hid as they followed Griselda, who gave me a wink going by. As Allan and Mattie started to leave, I swiftly shoved them into the room and slammed the door shut behind me.
"I don't know who you think you are but you better cut it out!" I snarled at him. Allan took a step back, and wouldn't look at me. Mattie took a seat and sighed.
"Don't you sit over there and act like you haven't done anything either!" I snapped at James, who looked at me shockingly, "You both have turned this whole school against me! No one will talk to me unless I absolutely force them to, no one wants to be near me, or touch me, everyone is ignoring me! And to top it all off, they are going to transfer me!" My voice cracked when I said that. James' shocked face turned in a stiff glare pointed at Allan, who just looked at me sorrowfully.
"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked him. Allan went to say something, but the bell rang.
"I'm walking home, you make sure she gets home." Allan softly said, which was so out of character for him. He whipped around me and left. I went to go after him, but a wave of people cut me off and I lost sight of him.

Bellatrix and and Gertie are my 2p Rome (the capital) and ancient Berlin (when Germania existed). Griselda is Berlin's (current) 2p.
Another update! Thanks for reading everyone!
Part 3 coming soon

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