A Black Basket~ 4- Meeting a maid

Start from the beginning

Leigh's POV~

Sebastian...he's so strange. There's like this mysterious thing about him that makes me so curious. He is pretty attractive, but I'm just a 14 year old girl. The master though, why does he have an eyepatch? Where's his eye? Why are these people so strange? I look around and examine the house. This place has hardly any electricity. Is this place from like centuries ago or something? I shake these thoughts out of my head and grab the suitcase Sebastian put on my bed. As I open the suitcase, a picture falls out, a picture from a long time ago. When I was about four or five years old.


"Mama? Where are we going?"

The young girl chased behind her mother. She hid behind her mother's long dress, trying to block the outside world. The pain in her mother's face showed greatly, trying to hide it failed.

"We're going somewhere- somewhere different, okay darling?"

The mother lightly smiled at her young daughter.

The girl giggled and bounced up and down.

"Is it a surprise mama?"

She shook her head lightly,

"Come along now. We're almost there."

They walked through a crowed villages square. Passing by several people, watching them as they stepped closer to the doors of an orphanage.

Leigh examined the sign by the door, knowing she couldn't read it. It looked like alien writing to her.

Leigh watched as her mother pushed the door open lightly.


All Leigh could remember was screaming for her mother as a women took her away. The last thing she saw before the steel door shut was her mother receiving money from a strange man.


~Still Leigh's POV~

Did my mom actually sell me? After that day all I felt was pain, and misery.

-Author's POV-

Leigh sat on her bed with her head in her hands whimpering lightly. She realized how weak she was, she knew that people have had it way worse. She just couldn't forget what happened.

**Sohma House**

"Would you guys like to take a trip?"

Shigure questioned them, Tohru's eyes instantly brightened.

A trip? She thought excitedly.

"Where? Does this have to do with Akito's murder?"

Shigure nodded,

"Some where in England or something."

Yuki instantly frowned,

"What about school? We can't miss!"

Tohru thought for a second, hoping she could find a way to go.

"Well, where we're going we'll need to speak english! So we can go on a trip. Since we take English classes in school and all."

Yuki sighed, not liking the idea of leaving home and going so far away.

Suddenly, the screen tore open. Kyo stepped inside like nothing.

"What's up?"

Was all he said as he leaned against the wall.

Shigure frowned,

"Can't you ever use the screen the right way?"

"I heard you guys are going on a trip. So I'm in."

Tohru smiled,

"That's great Kyo!"

"Well okay everyone go pack. We're leaving tonight.

Shigure stressed the word. He wanted to make sure that they understood that they had to leave by a certain time.

*Hours Later*


Keep in mind that this all takes place in 2013.


Tohru, Yuki, Kyo and Shigure made it to their flight. Tohru sat at the window with Kyo to the right, while Yuki and Shigure sat in the aisle across.

Kyo groaned when news was brought to him. The flight would be almost 12-13 hours long. Tohru didn't care, she couldn't even remember the last time she was on a plane. She loved the view from the air, she could see the sun's colorful rays setting along the horizon.

For most of the trip Tohru talked to Kyo. They talked about many things, Tohru enjoyed spending this time catching up with Kyo. Tohru didn't realize how friendly Kyo had become in these past months.

The flight attendant eventually shut lights off asking everyone to sleep.

"We will reach out destination in the morning, goodnight everyone."

Tohru instantly fell asleep after a long exhausting day. Kyo remained awake and watched her sleep in the dim light.

{Please read the important Author's Note:}

A/N: Helloooo everyone! Happy Wednesday XD I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. It's not too interesting yet, I mean, it's the intro. Once they get to the Phantomhive manor things will start getting interesting. ;D. I should also be updating my Fruits Basket story, Kidnapped, in a few!! I spent most of my time on this because I'm excited for this story.

I need your opinion now:

•Why do you think Kyo was watching Tohru sleep?

•What do you think of this new maid?

I will be posting your responses in the next chapter. :) Have a good day, see you all in the next chapter! Don't forget to vote!


A Black Basket~ {Black Butler x Fruits Basket}Where stories live. Discover now