"Woah, Ollie-o you look like death." Nat commented when she sat down next to her curly-haired friend.

"Thanks, Nat, way to boost my self esteem." The ill girl sniffled, staring at the tea she had poured for herself just a few minutes prior- pushing it away with her hand.

The blonde looked to Fred and George, helping herself to some steaming coffee and scrambled eggs, "What are you two doing here?"

"Well," George began, "We were going to apologize to Ollie-"

"But now," went Fred, "We're trying to get her to go to the Hospital Wing or something."

Nat gave them an apologetic look for Ollie's stubbornness. As her gaze traveled back to her quiet best friend, Natalie realized that she had fallen asleep.

"This happened last year when I was petrified. Cho said she didn't eat or sleep until she passed out in the middle of Transfiguration. She's quite stubborn." Nat told the two, "She won't get help until she runs herself dry, we'll just keep an eye on her for a few hours until that happens."

George felt a small pang of concern for Ollie, remembering hearing gossip about the girl who collapsed in the middle of class. He felt bad for her, partially because it was kind of his and Fred's fault for not getting her inside sooner.

"She's already asleep, why can't we take her there now?" Fred asked, glancing at Olive. She was fast asleep, bundled tightly in her extra jumper and scarf.

"Because she'll just get right back up and head to class again. Trust me, we- including Cho and Cedric- will keep an eye on her. The minute she's run herself to the ground, we'll take her to the Hospital Wing. It's the only way she'll learn." Natalie explained, glancing the twins. She adjusted her blue and silver tie before finishing her breakfast in silence, looking over at Ollie to make sure she was still asleep.

After several moments of silence, Fred and George found themselves alone again with a sleeping Ollie. Cho was sitting with Cedric at the Hufflepuff table, and Natalie had gone to Muggle Studies early- the only class that she and Ollie did not share together. Instead, the curly headed girl had Divination that morning with the twins- and it never started on time.

The girl stirred, adjusting her position in her seat to make herself more comfortable. Ollie sniffed, shivered, and went back to her power nap before classes began.

George had to admit, she looked peaceful sleeping, even in this sick state. Ollie wasn't glaring at them, or quirking a brow at a joke Nat said, or an unintended pun that Cedric would say. He found himself often looking at Ollie, not because of a crush or anything- he didn't see her as anything of that sort- but George just found Olive interesting. There was this whole side to her that he didn't know existed, and her writing was unlike anything he's ever read (mind you, the collection of the books Fred and George Weasley have read is at bare minimum).

As a result of Olive just coming off as interesting and different- George found that he and Fred often spent more time with her. When Olive had asked the previous night as to why they wanted her to help them find the black cat- there were a lot of reasons why. George never found himself in a place to say why. He thought she was a wonderful person- much more substance to her character than the Miss Lark who's barely spoken a word in class her whole time at Hogwarts. He just didn't know how to say them without sounding like a complete useless git.

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