Chapter 1

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“Enjoying the view, Mrs Power?”

Mrs Power. I smile at that. We've been married nearly two weeks, and it still makes my heart flutter. How long will it take for that to stop happening? Forever, I hope.

It's the last night of our honeymoon. I've never been as happy as this in my whole life. It's just perfect. So it comes as no surprise that I'll miss this place...

His arms snake around me as he joins me on the balcony. We didn't want to go somewhere too hot. Neither of us are great with the sun. And we aren't really beach lovers. We wanted romance and beauty. So where better than Italy?

The sunset is spectacular tonight. And against the crimson horizon, the city looks beautiful. How can I ever go back to dreary London after seeing this?

His kiss on my neck brings me back and I hum, leaning my head slightly in approval.

“It's beautiful,” I mumble, turning my head to look at him. He grins happily and kisses me tenderly, deepening it as I sigh into his lips.

“But you steal the show,” he says against my lips. I snort in amusement and he lifts his eyebrow. “What?”

“You're so cheesy,” I giggle, kissing him softly. He turns me to face him, resting his hands on the small of my back.

“Would you have me any other way?”

“No. You're perfect, just the way you are.”

I kiss him, letting us both melt into one another. If I'm not careful, we could waste our last night just...not that it would be a waste, of course. But I want it to be special. So, I pull away. He whimpers in disappointment, trying to move back towards me but I hold him back.

“Let's go for a swim.” I know just how much I'm teasing him, and the confusion on his face is a complete turn on right now.


“I want to go swimming.”


“I want to go swimming.”

He searches my face for what I'm planning. And then I think he finds it, because he grins almost manically.

“I'll meet you there.” And he bounces away from me back into the hotel. He looks just like a kid. I can't help but giggle as I head over to our private pool.

I let the cool, lush water of the swimming pool caress my body as I wade out into it. Just until my toes can no longer touch. Every step, the water gets deeper, surrounding me. It feels amazing how I’m so relaxed.

Mrs Power...

I sigh happily to myself, absent-mindedly wondering where Glen’s got to. Somehow, the water makes me feel weightless as I drift quietly. The only sound is my body gently floating through the water, the light din of the city buzzing in the background. I don’t know why, but it makes me realize how lucky I am to be here. To be alive. It’s exhilarating and scary at the same time.

I tread water and lazily place my forearms down on the ledge of the pool. He’s really outdone himself this time. Everything he’s ever given me up until now doesn’t match up to this right here. Being in an amazing, beautiful place with my equally amazing husband. Where is he, anyway?

His footsteps are a dead give-away, and I can't help but smile. That’s one of the things I love about our relationship. The little things we know about each other...

“Swimming with things in your hands is dead difficult!”

I turn around slightly to see him with something in his hands. I can’t quite see it. Before I can investigate further, the stunning view captures my attention once again. I hum happily as I watch the lives of other people take place below.

“Emie?” His smooth accent hits my ears.

I feel an arm wrap around my waist, tenderly pulling me through the water to him. I whine in disappointment as the view is blurred for a second. He pulls me into a dark corner of the pool.

“Well. This seems ominous”

My voice comes out rather huskily. More so than I intend. I stare at him, the face that has kept me going all these years. Those eyes have kept me sane for so long. And now they’re full of lust.

“I think you’ll be needing this,” he says, matching my husky tone.

Before I melt into a puddle of desire, I take the glass of champagne from his hand and sip on it lightly, letting the bubbles dance on my tongue before drinking. It flows down like silk all in one gulp. I watch as he dips a strawberry in a small bowl he has placed at the side of the pool, his free hand pulling me close to him.

Must not let this get out of hand...I want to tease him. See how far it can go.

He opens his mouth in an attempt for me to follow. I smirk as he lifts the fruit now dipped in chocolate up into the air and towards me. My arm goes up and grabs his guiding it towards my mouth. It swiftly goes in as he lets go of it, spilling some chocolate onto the side of my mouth on the way. All the flavours of the fruit explode in my mouth and I moan in appreciation.

As the sound leaves my lips, he goes to kiss me, pulling me hard against him. But I push him away. The sound of my hands smacking against his wet shoulders echoes around, making his eyes darken further.

“Who wants to kiss someone with chocolate on their face? I smirk, carrying on with my teasing. “I know I wouldn’t.”

I run my tongue over my bottom lip to the corner of my mouth seductively and let my teeth bite the skin of my bottom lip. He leans in further, holding the side of the pool for support. I let him lean in right until our lips are about to touch. One of his hands detaches itself from the pool side and strokes down my side. The sensation of that underwater is unbelievable...

I stifle a moan as his hand gets further down. A smirk plays on my lips. I'm very aware of this game he's playing. But I have my own.

I swiftly push away from him and swim away, laughing playfully. I return to my place at the ledge. The view really was amazing. Breathtaking even.

“Look at this view baby It’s amazing I love it.” I lean against the ledge peering down again. Good thing I don’t mind heights...

I suddenly feel Glen’s body behind me, placing lazy kisses to the back of my neck. It's setting the skin on fire with desire and want. I moan slightly as I feel a hand trace my inner thigh. I'm nearly, just nearly, giving in to my body...

“Look at this view,” I plea. “Come here and l-look!” My voice falters at the end, just as his hand scrapes my bikini.

I hear him growl in frustration and mumble something that sounds like a no as he carries on placing hot wet kisses over my neck. He knows this drives me insane. He wants me, and this is usually the way to get it. Oh God, I could just give in to him now...


I push myself under the water entirely. I sense him behind me but I swim out of his grasp, away to the other side of the ledge. When I get up for air, Glen is already there. His hair is wet and flat against his head, driving me wild just at the sight. I've always love his hair like that.

I bite down on my lip as he goes to kiss me. I can't do this any more. I lean in, finally giving up, whimpering with anticipation...

But he stops with a grin. What the...Pulling away slightly, he looks over my shoulder.

“The view really is amazing...”

I feel his laugh on my lips as I pounce, feeling his arms lock around me. I don't think I will ever get enough of him.


A/N - Hey guys! What d'you think of this then? This was co-written with SecretSmile1. She is a CRACKING author, so go and check out her books - The Torn Trilogy and The Outcast. Do it. Dooooo itttttt...But yeah, let me know what you think of this! I hope you all like it. I sure as hell love it. Vote, comment, do your thing. Much love x

The End Where I Begin (Book Four of the Glen Power Series)Where stories live. Discover now