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Still 5 days left.

I, the 17 year old Park Kyung, was near suffocation in this tiny room, that I shared with my smaller brother and Father. Why? You may ask, it's because of my aunts birthday. She turned 50 this summer and decided to throw a sh*tload of money right out the window, or in this case out the porthole.

She rented this giant ship for 5 whole days and it seemed like it could fit the whole global population inside its belly, which to me is just stupid.

She invited a wave of people to the birthday party she was planning and I didn't know anyone, accept my own family and maybe a few of her closer friends.

The ship had around one hundred and fifty rooms and every one of them was fitted tightly. At that moment I was in one of them and I couldn't get out because my stupid little brother (his name is Chan) wanted to play a game and blindfolded me. I don't know how and most importantly why he did that but I played along, due to my fathers request. 'Be a good Hyung and play with your brother.' He said with a big, fat smile on his face, while leaving the room and letting me alone with that little monster.

Chan rotated me and suddenly.....jumped on my back? This, the fact that everything was spinning and that I couldn't see a thing made me crazy, so I tried to move but the second I took a fast step forward I bumped my head against somethings hard and I stumble backwards.

My brother jumped off my back, giggled and watched me fall onto one of the three beds. The next thing I felt was a string around my hands and I was pinned down by the weight of a 9 year old boy, sitting on top of me and tying me to the frame of the bed.

"H-hey! Come back Chan, you can't leave me like this!" I shouted at my brother and wiggled around like a fish that had stranded. 'Embarrassing...' I thought and gave up after I heard the door close. It was silent now, I was alone in that tiny room and the slow but steady swaying of the ship made me sick. 'How did that small boy manage to pin me down so easily...?'

After a few minutes of swearing and self-pity I was able to hear steps coming from the hallway. 'Should I scream and let them know that I need help or is this just way to embarrassing for someone to see?' I silently asked myself and quickly decided to scream for help because I was getting claustrophobic with this blindfold on.

"Umm..." I cleared my throat and tried my best not to sound like a princess in need. "H-Help..? I'm stuck here, can someone hear me??" I ask with a loud voice and the footsteps stopped, a deep voice replying through the thin walls. "Yes, wait I'm coming in."

The door opened with a silent noise and I suddenly felt embarrassed for the stupid circumstance I was in, it must have been a shock for the other, to see a stranger laying in bed being tied up and blindfolded.

"It is not what it seems like. I can explain when you untie me, please..?" I say with a silent voice, still flustered. I heard the male holding back a laugh but it seemed like he was coming closer and shutting the door, starting to untying me. "Dude, I'm sorry for asking but...did you get dumped by a lady..?" He questioned, not really holding his laughter back anymore.

"I-I...no. It was my little brother." My ears must have been a dark red and the other laughed even louder. "How am I supposed to picture that?"

My hands were now freed and I sighed in relief as I also got back my sight, a tall boy stood in front of me, holding his belly, laughing and having a few tears in his eyes, he was around my age (which embarrassed me even more) and he had really bleached hair that was hidden under a cap.

He seemed to have calmed down after a few seconds and sat next to me, wiping the water from his eyes. "That was a great laugh, but honestly, how in the world did this happen...?"

I looked down to my hands, not daring to look at the boy sitting besides me. "I-I don't really know myself, my brother has stupid ideas sometimes..."

"I would have killed my little brother by now." He laughs. "Anyway my name is Woo Ji Ho but you can just call me Jiho." He said and slightly hit me on my shoulder, leaving his hand there. Relieved of the sudden change of topic, I looked at him, hoping that most of the redness had disappeared by now. "Right, my name is Park Kyung."

He smiles at me, exposing his white teeth which made me smile along. "So Kyung, what makes you come to the birthday of an old lady?"

"Oh, you mean my aunt? I could ask you the same." He laughs a little and lets his hand slide down my arm slightly before practicing it on the bed behind him and leaning backwards. "Hmm...I guess my mom dragged me here and now I'm bored to death, I was just on my way to the front of the ship, wanna come? It's not fun all by myself."

I thought for a while but then I nodded, my mom was probably in the dining room, which was more in the back of the ship and I would have guessed that my father and brother are there with her, so we shouldn't collide with my embarrassing family.

We both stood up and to my surprise, Jiho took my hand and dragged me with him.

After a few minutes we reached the deck and it was a nice evening, it's windy and the smell of salt fills my nose, it was way nicer then the airless rooms and halls inside the ship.

Jiho was still dragging me further until we got to a small barrier with a sign that says "stop" on it, he looked at me for a short moment before he grinned brightly and just slips under the barrier, taking me with him.

"W-wait, I don't think that's a good idea!" I say, struggling a bit. "Ahh, no one will notice that we are here and what in the world could happen?" He laughs. "Actually, a lot! We could fall into the water or hurt ourselves on the deck for example."

I got scared easily and the fact that I had just met Jiho a few minutes ago and now he dragged me to a dark, forbidden place didn't make it better.

He turned around and squeezed my hand slightly, probably trying to calm me down. "Don't worry, I'm here with you, so nothing can happen." This was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard so why did my face feel so warm? Normally I would have laughed at the other male for saying somethings like this but right now it somehow helped me relax.

We reached the tip of the ship and I somehow felt like I was in the movie 'Titanic', deep down hoping that the ship will not drown.

"It's nice here." Jiho said and smiled happily at the view, he sat on one of the tall knobs nearby, my hand still in his, he pulled me closer and looked up to me, still smiling.

It was quite dark back here and I hope it's dark enough to hide his red ears and cheeks. "Yeah, it's quite nice." I stuttered silently.

"Are you embarrassed of something?" His grip on my hand loosened a little and I did the same, not knowing what do do. He looks down and lets go of my hand fully, standing up and going to the ship's rail, hanging his arms over it and looking at the water.

My heart sank into my shoes as he let go of my hand and I watching him silently. 'What the f*ck am I even doing and why am I feeling like I'm drowning?'

"Hey, Kyung..?" Jiho asked without looking up.

"Wanna sleep in my room tonight? I have one for myself."

I know, WTF is that end but....I hope I can save this in an interesting way :3 (it needs some action!) oh and sorry for any mistakes :)
Thanks for reading!

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