Chapter 12: First Date

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"Are you sure about this, Isaiah?"

I glanced at myself in the mirror. I had to admit Isaiah was as good with clothes as Dad Gabriel. When I'd asked for his help with this date, I had no idea what was going to happen but he'd been a lifesaver. Everything from where to go to the fitted jeans, soft, light gray t-shirt and dark gray blazer I was wearing.

"Yeah, I'm sure. You'll be fine, man. Quit worrying so damn much. Lesia's nuts about you."

It wasn't just the date, though that was taking up the major portion of my worrying. A small part of me was still worrying over the fact that I'd promised Lesia I'd talk to my dad. I knew I needed to do it before we went back. A knock on the open door had my head swiveling to find Wes standing there.

"You ready to go? If he doesn't leave he's going to be late." I wasn't entirely sure where Wes had been hiding while Isaiah had been helping me but I had my suspicions. I walked back over to my bed and leaned down so Isaiah could use my shoulder to help get off the bed. He had crutches, some people in his family were apparently accident prone and they had a pair around, but we'd left them by the door. Wes grabbed them and passed them over. While Isaiah got himself situated, I grabbed my wallet and keys off the nightstand.

"You're going today to get that x-rayed. Don't let Wes forget. Dad Sean is expecting you at the hospital." Isaiah rolled his eyes at me but he was grinning, so I knew he wasn't bothered by my nagging. Although, the nagging had earned me a new nickname.

"Yes, Momma Scott," He said like a child might to their mother. When he moved like he might kiss my forehead though I laughed as I shoved at him, but not enough to unbalance him.

"Lacey!" Isaiah hollered in the hall, "Time to go!"

It took a minute but the door to Blaze's room opened. Blaze had taken to locking the door when Lacey was over since I'd left. Apparently, if he didn't it was an invasion of the brats. My eyes went wide and I swore they were gonna pop right out of my head when Lacey joined us in the hall. Her hair was a mess, her shirt wasn't buttoned right, and her eyes were glazed over. I glanced at Blaze's door to see him leaning against the door frame in only a pair of jeans, unbuttoned at the waist. As Lacey tried to move past me, I gently grabbed her arm and leaned down to whisper to her.

"Hey, don't let him pressure you into something you aren't ready for." She stared at me a moment, then nodded and followed her brothers out of the house.

"Maybe you oughta think twice before attacking her when her brothers are here." I swear sometimes Blaze doesn't think things through. Blaze gave a short, hearty chuckle, grinning at me as he pushed off the door frame.

"I didn't attack her," he said as he shook his head and ducked back into his room. What the heck had he meant by that? I didn't really have time to worry about it. I climbed into the car and pulled up the directions to Lesia's place on the GPS. She and her aunt lived on the outskirts of Charleston. It was a bit of a drive but it was a beautiful day and only just noon. Isaiah had said a daytime date would be more fun and casual and stress-free for us both, and I went with it. I liked the idea of a daytime date and I didn't have a clue on dating etiquette or the rules or anything at all to do with dating actually, so I figured I'd go with the advice of the one guy I knew had a girlfriend. Well, for now anyway, the status of that relationship was apparently up in the air. Isaiah kept breaking up with Stacey but she didn't seem to be very accepting of it.

When I made the final turn into Lesia's drive, I was surprised to find a large, black, wrought iron gate firmly blocking my path. I hadn't expected it. I rolled down the window, pushed the button on the call box and the gate opened. I parked and took in the house as I got out and made my way to the door.

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