Resetting and Reliving | UF!PapyrusxUF!Sans

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Dim light reflected off the red and gold tiled floor. His head was buried into his jacket staring at the floor. Why had everything turned out this way? Footsteps echoed from down the hallway. He lifted his head up to see them standing there. The one who had taken everything from him. "So you finally showed up." They walked closer to him with one arm behind their back. He scoffed "You just had to take it all away. You couldn't just leave us with our happiness." His voice was filled with sorrow. "There all dust now. Not a single one was showed mercy. Why....Why'd you do it?" Their eyes were filled with nothing as they gazed back at him. "You didn't have a reason did you?" Edge's eyes lit up now filled with rage. He snapped his fingers as blasters surrounded Frisk. "I'll make you hurt worse than the fire's of hell ever could. You fucking brother killer." Frisk withdrew the hand hiding behind their back. A dust covered knife glinted at him. "Bring it on kid"

Their battle went on for what seemed to be an eternity. He didn't know how many more dodges were left in him. The knife blade swung down as he nimbly took a step backwards. He panted trying to catch his breath. They weren't holding back in the slightest. Edge summoned another row of bones and sent it flying at them. Frisk gracefully dodged, not a single one made contact. As they finished a malicious grin spread across their face. Their knife came down again in a vain attempt to make contact. He dodged it once again. Dammit they just don't give up. Frisk stared him down as they tossed and caught the knife waiting for his next move. There was no way he could dodge the next one. Looks like I'll just have to end this. The next words came slowly from his mouth, "A small shred of me hoped I'd just be able to kill you here and it'd all be over finally. But you're just so determined to see this threw to the end. I guess it's time to use my special attack then." Frisk was now slowly backing away from him, their gaze didn't waver though. If I'm going to die it'll be on my terms. He summoned a red pointed bone into his hand. "Make sure you don't blink, you soulless bastard. I want this sight to remind you of everyone you betrayed. Everyone you turned to dust. Don't you ever forget us, especially not him." Before they had a chance to ACT he forced the bone threw his ribs. It made contact with his soul as it shattered instantly. He could feel all his strength leave him. His body had nothing left now. Edge gave one last grin though as he crumpled to the ground. It was all finally over now. All the pain he had gone threw, everything he had to experience. He was finally free from it all. Maybe now they'd all be able to meet on the other side of death's door. Looks like we'll finally get our 'happy' ending again Fell. Something pulled his mind back to his surroundings. From down the hallway, loud clicking could be heard as heels met the tiled floor. He tried to see who is was but his vision was fading quickly. Only a vague fuzzy outline could be seen. Tall bright red boots stopped in front of him. They looked familiar, he wanted to say something. But no words would form as he felt himself fade into nothingness.

Suddenly all the feeling came back to his body. He jolted awake and immediately shot upright. Where am I? Familiarity surrounded him as he realised where he was now. Somehow he was back in his room. Oh no. Was all he could think as memories came flooding back to him. Why was he back here?! His eyes started to sting, "I don't want want to live this day over again!" Edge's voice was filled with fear. This all had to just be a nightmare right? He pulled hard on the collar around his neck. Edge could feel it too well to be a dream. All his emotions hit him full force again. Pulling a pillow to his face, he tried to stifle back a sob. It did little to help as stronger and stronger sobs followed.

Fell's hand searched the cupboard. He could have sworn there was another box of lasagna noodles sitting right here last night. This won't do everything must be perfectly organised! Swiftly he started to rearrange the cupboard, meticulously placing everything back in order. A loud noise broken his concentration. What in the hell was that? He backed away from the cupboard as it continued. It sounded like crying? "Dammit Edge." Fell cursed to himself. They both knew well about not showing any weakness. Edge wasn't always the best at it though. His meager one hp didn't help the situation either. Fell knew this had to stop. If another monster heard someone crying they'd strike it down without hesitation.

He marched out of the kitchen, up the stairs and to his brother's door. Soft sobbing could be heard on the other side. Fell swung the door open forcefully and ready to teach his brother a lesson. Edge was curled up on his bed, his face stuffed into a pillow. His will wavered, there was clearly something deep affecting his brother. Edge had heard him enter as his sobbing got slightly softer. But he seemed unable to stop completely. Fell just stood in the doorway as his mind offered no solution to the puzzle before him. He couldn't decide what to do anymore. Slowly Edge's sobbing got louder again. A feeling of sympathy was growing within him. I've got to make him stop it or we'll both look weak at this rate. Fell walked towards his brother and reached out to touch him. Edge heard him approach though as he unburied his head from the pillow. He looked up at him, fear now joined his sad expression. His brother scooted himself further away. Neither had enough time to properly react as Edge fell off his bed and landed on the floor with a loud thud. Fuck! He better not have hurt himself! The tall skeleton quickly moved to where Edge was now laying. His brother still held the pillow to his face as he tried to sit himself upright. Fell reached towards him once again.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" His brother yelled loudly threw tears. Edge scooted himself away only stopping once his back finally ran into the wall. He started to cower and sob even worse now. Fell was getting frustrated now. Stomping over to his brother, he raised his hand into the air. But his will wavered once again. He couldn't bring himself to hit Edge who was now a crying, cowering and sobbing mess. Edge didn't seem like he was going to stop any time soon. A thought floated into his mind. That might work. Walking to his brother's bed, he pulled a blanket off. Fell paced back to his brother. Not giving him the chance to move away, he bent down and wrapped it tightly around Edge. This reminded him of when Edge used to do the same to him when he was younger. He'd have a bad day and come home crying. His brother and him would sit wrapped under a blanket until he felt better. Simple times those were he thought as the sobbing from Edge slowed down. Finally, it looks like he's calming down now. Fell attempted to stand back up to his feet. But a pair of arms had been wrapped around his waist. He staggered from the sudden weight as he was forced to sit down or he'd fall on his face.

He inquired on this situation now curious, "What are you doing Edge?" His brother didn't offer an answer. The grip around his waist tightened. Sighing he gave up on standing for now. Edge buried his face into Fell's chest as he pulled himself closer. Well this is better then him crying at least. They sat there for a while as Fell eventually grew bored and let his mind wander. It took a while but eventually Edge released his grip from Fell. "You finally feeling normal now?" Fell asked exhausted from the whole ordeal.

Edge let out a timid reply "Yeah, sorry about that boss. I don't know what happened." Fell's brow rose from that last statement. He could easily see threw his brother's lie. Part of him wanted to force the truth out from him. But if he set him off again they'd be back at square one with more crying and sobbing.

"You can skip patrol for today." The older skeleton said calmly "You're too much of a mess right now. If something attacks and kills you, I'll lose a lackey." Edge didn't reply, his gaze was stuck to the floor. Fell hesitated before trying to stand up again.

He made it to his knees before a meek voice stopped him. "Hey boss?" Fell turned his gaze looking back to Edge. "Can we just sit here for a while just the two of us...?" Edge had a bright crimson blush running across his pale white face. He could feel his own face heating up. Why in the fuck does he have to look so cute right now?

There was a long debate that went on in his head before he replied. "Fine." His brother's grin almost took over his entire face as he wrapped the blanket around them both. Edge reburied himself into Fell's chest.

"Promise me one thing." He paused before continuing hoping Fell wouldn't get mad. "You won't look for humans today." His grip grew tighter around his brother as he hugged him pleadingly.

He sighed, "Alright." Only for today and just this once would he allow it. Fell hugged the smaller skeleton back as they watched the snow fall outside his window together.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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