The How-To Guide

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I'm sure it's more than obvious what this is. But, you can request something and I'll post how to do it!

Welcome, welcome! So, as you read in the description, ask me any question! Here's the format you MUST follow or you will be ignored!

Back Story:

^^You must ask your question on the example above or it will be ignored!^^

Now, you can ask as meany questions as possible, but, please read all the chapters before asking your question, your question may already be answered somewhere!

Be patient please! I am a human being, I have my own life to attend to!

Don't use abbreviations. Like:

Idk rn, srry.

Translates into:

I don't know right now, sorry.

Try to be as clear as possible, and, check your comment over before you hit post for any mistakes. We all make them, but sometimes when we do with typing, they are very hard to understand.

And remember: Everyone can see your question. I can make it so they don't know who it was from, like if you PM me.

Thanks for participating as well if you do!!

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