Author's Note (Please Read Before Reading)

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Thank you Everyone!

Hello everyone! Shadowkeyblader1 here! I just wanted to explain a few things before I actually got started. I usually don't post my O.C. stories, the ones that don't involve the capitals. I actually surprised myself when I posted my first one, Capitalia. But several other Hetalian friends said they really liked it, so I posted it to share with the other Hetalians who just happen to stumble across them and read. And then came a few others, the Most popular right now being my nekotalia story, A House Full of Company. I just personally wanted to say thank you to all the Wattpad users and random people (me before I used Wattpad lol) who are just looking for some nice fanfiction to read. I am so glad people are enjoying reading it, and I will continue to update, to the best of my ability, until the story is completed. Thank you all again for your readings and votes! ^_^

P.S. Unless I specify, I don't own these pictures! I found them using Google, and the artist is awesome for making them! If you do own the picture, and want me to specifically name you, BE HONEST PLEASE I may just ask for the link to make sure (Don't be stealing people's stuff! Lol ya'll won't, but just got to say cause believe it or not, they are people out there that do!), and I will PROPERLY credit you. Thank you for allowing me to use the pictures, I DO NOT OWN THEM! Unless I specify....

Onto the topic at hand:

When it comes to the Hetalian fanfiction I write, names are monotonous (For my O.C. anyway). So, my OC, Elizabeth Holmes (who bears a strange resemblance to my Capital OC, London) will be our main character here. I use her in pretty much any Hetalia Fanfiction I write, because I don't have to go through character development (I like the characters I make, and it gets the same after a while or completely out there!), and I don't exactly enjoy going through and adding (Y/N) (L/N), (H/C), (E/C), it just gets tedious after a while! So I apologize if she's is being used in more than one story/ timeline. Does that mean I won't ever post something that had an ACTUAL, LEGITIMATE, Reader insert? Of course not! Me Against the School is one, and there will probably be a few others. I understand it completely, there are some readers out there who don't like being told in their insert what they look like, their names, etc. I know, I was one of those people (unless it is so good I completely ignore it lol). But, when it comes to my writings, I am very iffy about posting and such. So I most likely won't be changing names, and when I post something non-hetalia, you'll probably notice a few themes here and there that are similar. I just wanted to let you all know, because some readers like being told what they are getting into before they start.

So, with that being said, this is one of MANY Hetalia stories I have either on my phone or on a computer tucked away in some files. But, due to the special request of a friend of mine, I am posting this one specifically by itself. I may just post the others in one big ongoing book until I feel like making another. :D

In this version, Elizabeth Holmes is going to a school with all the second players, who is a rival school with the one players. Literally everyone, save for the girls (who are just either enemies, or good friends with Liz), likes her. Elizabeth is nice, and one of the few people who actually showed any kindness for the second players, explaining their attitudes towards her. This story is actually part of a really big story that I have going with events going on all over the place. I'm not exactly an organized writer, which isn't necessarily a good thing or a bad thing. I'll post more of what happens BEFORE this story, so if you like it, don't be afraid to comment! It might even give me motivation to get it up quicker! But I will post a Prologue just to let everyone know why stuff is happening, and then the rest will come later. You guys know how this works. Thank you for taking the time for reading this, I really appreciate it. And Again, thank you everyone for reading my stories and the votes!
So, realized people probably don't know who everyone is, and I won't be indicating accents like I have been, so I'm going to try and keep up with names I'm being used in new chapters.

I'm going to add a character list so my readers know what names I'm using for the 2p's, and try to keep it updated, or just ask if you don't want to come all the way back here

James Matthieu ("Mattie") Williams - 2p Canada

Allan Jones - 2p America

Oliver Kirkland - 2p England

Francois Bonnefoy - 2p France

Viktor Braginsky - 2p Russia

Xiao Wang (Wang Xiao, if you went to get technical, correct me if I'm wrong) - 2p China

Luciano Vargas - 2p Italy

Lutz Beilschmidt - 2p Germany

Kuro Honda - 2p Japan

Andres Fernández Carriedo - 2p Spain

Flavio Vargas - 2p Southern Italy

Laurens Henry Maes - 2p Netherlands

Lucius Vargas - 2p Rome (Roman Empire)

Gilen Beilschmidt - 2p Prussia

*Sigmund Beilschmidt (Subject to change) - 2p Germania

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