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One day and a cold night of hard riding and not once had I looked back. Edros-Ti was my destination and no matter how tired, hungry or pained by my distance from Oren I was, I wouldn't turn back.

Early in the morning just following the suns rising I had entered a small village, the snow fell heavily and my hood was raised. Only one man had ventured outside, he sat by the local pub with a cup in his hand. Astride Galia and ambling towards the man I brought her to a halt with a tug to her reins.

'How far is Edros?' I queried loudly, deepening my voice to appear manly. The man barely acknowledged me, keeping his eyes trained on his mug of ale.

'Depends on the price.' He grumbled gruffly. I rolled my eyes. Of course in these times any information came at a cost. However I was ill prepared to pay any prices. My hand rested against the moonstone jewel resting on my throat. Though I loathed to part with it, I knew it could be my only option. I pulled at the thin gold chain, feeling it bite in resistance against the nap of my neck, once it was free I held it out to the man.

'Will this suffice?'

He looked up, his deeply hooded eyes aged at least forty years widened at the magnificent gem. He stood on unsteady feet and took the jewel from my hand, snatching it away and stowing it in his coat greedily. He returned to his spot by the tavern and raised his arm, gesturing to the muddy, worn out path that lay ahead.

'Half a day's ride. I wouldn't be venturing there me self. Many men been passing through, looking for your destination. There's been strange talk about Edros.'

I bowed my hooded face to the man but said nothing in return, instead nudging Galia's side and forcing her into a hard gallop. For our entire journey she had moved with the speed of lightening. I prayed now that she could do this for only a little while longer.

Ahead of me I spied the great stretch of fields. We had entered the west. I exhaled a small breath in relief that there would be no mountains or rocky hills to navigate in the foreseeable landscape ahead of me that lay between me and Edros-Ti. What lay there I could not chance to hope was true, for it would not be certain until I laid my eyes upon the land of Edros.

We raced hard through the long lengths of paddocks and deserted fields. All around me the land lay barren and without the presence of farmers and their workers. The soil looked decimated and what little crops were left were dead. This was not like eastern Tunstan which whilst without its former glory and ravaged monuments of old, the people were mostly able to provide their families with food.

I spied a cemetery and a small congregation of villagers, I slowed to watched them laying to rest a small wrapped body, one that appeared to be that of a small child. I cast my gaze downwards as I urged Galia on again. The last thing I would want to do was interrupt their sorrowful ceremony of laying a child not yet grown and experienced in this life, to rest.


Time passed at a rapid pace and with each hour I drew nearer to Edros. Along the quagmire roads Galia struggled up to her forearms in the thick mud, alongside many men that at each turn seemed to be travelling to the same destination as us. I spoke no words to them, only seeking urgency in making more ground toward Edros. When the cold begun to seep in more determinedly and light begun to fade I came upon a small hill, nudging Galia she took to it with ease. Standing atop of it astride her I was in complete awe of what I saw.

The rebellion had taken up residence in Edros-Ti. This is where my dream had lead me to safety and what I had been hoping for. I looked around at the miles long guarded encampment brimming with activity, from my position I could hundreds of small tents littering the closed off barracks, I could see semi-permanent stables for the horses and I spied the one gate in which men were being permitted to move in and out of the camp from. Urging Galia forward I moved towards the gate, preparing to be received in a less than respectful fashion.

I waited astride Galia in line behind the ragged and scrawny men, many were equipped only with the tools of their trade. Some were farmers, carpenters, blacksmiths and healers. Others appeared without any tools and only the threadbare clothes upon their backs and a dazed expression upon their faces. Was this the rebellion I had dreamed of?

I watched keenly as the guards standing at the gateway processed the men, giving them a rank and directing them to an area of the encampment. Slowly I came to the front.

'Well, well. What is this? A hooded warrior?' The taller of the two guards spoke. 'I already know where you'll be going.'

His counterpart laughed mockingly, clutching at his stomach as if his fellow guardsmen had just told the greatest joke in all time. I however was unperturbed by their behaviour and dismounted from Galia and pulled back my hood.

'I must speak with the generals urgently.' I declared amidst the blatant stares and sharp intakes of breath.

Following a short moment the tall one laughed again. 'The generals do not treat with women.'

'Please.' I spoke with plead laced in my voice. 'Nothing I say here will have you believe me, but believe me only when I say that it is of the greatest importance that I speak with the generals.'

The shorter one stepped forward and look upon me with an unreadable expression before nudging his counterpart. 'May as well let her through. If she really is of no importance perhaps they will let us keep her.'

I shivered at the very thought and fought to keep my composure as the taller soldier relented and stepped out of the way, the smaller one came forward and grasped my forearm tightly.

'Don't get any ideas.' He hissed. 'I'm taking you straight to the generals and there we shall see how honest you truly are.'

I remained quite, keeping a tight hold of Galia's reins and relishing in the knowledge that in only in a few moments I would hopefully be welcomed into the council.

The man guided me towards a large tent, I ignored the looks and gazes of the men that stopped around us at what I presumed was a rather odd occurrence to them. I was halted at the entrance of the tent. The two men guarding it spoke with my escort, whilst they spoke I tied Galia's reins to a tent post and patted her side.

The men seemed to argue but eventually quietened, they gestured me forward.

'The generals will see you now.'

I raised my head proudly and straightened my shoulders, stepping inside the tent and greeted with the turned backs of men pouring over a table strewn with parchment. They did not seem to notice my entrance, I coughed politely and watched with a blank expression as the men turned. Immediately I noticed that Kahn, Dane and Sandon were among those present. A collective gasp erupted around the room and many came to their knees.

'My lady.' Kahn choked. 'How is this possible?' 

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