"you alright?"

"bit tired, yeah," she said, voice thick with sleep.

their entire interaction was so casual, the whole thing seeming strange considering what had just happened. as he thought more about it, he came to terms with how exposed he'd let himself become. baekhyun had never shown that to anyone. utter control, no-one had ever seen before. he didn't quite think of the consequences until now.

he reached over to gently squeeze her thigh. he heard her breath hitch in her throat, and her heart was probably thumping in her chest, still not used to his affection.

"sh-should we stop somewhere?" roma inquired. "aren't you tired?"

"yeah, i was thinking of this place..." baekhyun trailed off, hoping that his exhaustion hadn't messed up his intentions.

he heard roma whisper something.


Vannes. 02:56.

he could almost smell the sea, taste the salt in his mouth. it was dark, everything between the sky and the ground an unmoving mass, but baekhyun could see more clearly than ever, sharpened senses allowing him to focus on driving.

roma was more awake now, moving in her seat, wanting to see where they were going, looking out the window. he could hear her breathing pierce the silence of the car. baekhyun rolled the window down, watching as roma sat upwards and let the wind seep through her long hair, her hands clutching the edge. imagined her shutting her eyes tightly, and savouring the moment. like he was.

"almost there, i think," he spoke softly.

they turned, baekhyun parking the car right on the sea front. the black rails were visible amid the strip of dark and wavering ocean. engine was cut off abruptly. baekhyun still felt at ease; his content frame of mind making it easier to enjoy the moment.

white face of the moon sat peacefully in the centre of the sky, its brightness--its luminosity--emanating out into the far corners of the dark indigo expanse before them. its light radiated onto the sea, creating an eerie shadow, one that entranced him.

"where are we?" roma asked, whispering inquisitively. she unbuckled her seatbelt.

"i don't really know, to be honest," baekhyun laughed, in a mellow manner. he was tired.

their voices were so quiet, resonating, bouncing off of the interior of the car. the swooshing sound of the waves was audible.

baekhyun wondered if she was scared.

roma was grinning, and he hadn't seen that in a while, and she looked like an angel; beaming, glowing amid the darkness that was his own. blue eyes stared into brown.

lips spread even further into a wide smile, letting out a small, impromptu laugh.

leaning forward, she kissed him, slowly but confidently.

their lips stayed touching as baekhyun laughed breathily--happiness flooding through him--and reached forwards to gently hold her chin.

she stared into him, her smile still painted across her beautifully glowing face. absolute goddess.


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