The Young CEO/Billionaire

Start from the beginning

Fear. I promise you, fear is the number one motivator in situations like that. It really, truly is and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll have a story worth reading that doesn't hide behind these weird, rare, terribly misunderstood concepts.

Long story short: kidnapping will never be okay. Ever. Don't even try to justify it.

3. The "deal"/ "match"

This one I came across quite a bit, and I have to say, it's not the worst idea anyone has ever come up with. I could almost see it being plausible for there to be a young CEO wanting to take over his parents' company, but they would rather he settle down. Yeah, I can see some legal issues maybe, but it's not the worst idea ever. Not a great one, but not a horrible one.

What makes it bad is the fact that it's everywhere, and there are so many better ways to go about this. There are much better conflicts than an arranged marriage in these situations. Mostly it comes about because someone wants to have a young, hot CEO, because we all know CEOs are typically old white dudes. But here's the deal: do you really want to force a marriage when divorce is so popular and prenups aren't? No. You don't. You'll lose half your fortune really quickly that way.

If you want a young, super hot, super rich guy, why does he have to directly be the CEO? Why can't he be the heir to a fortune-500? Why can't he be a step down from the top? Because for one, not having all the power would make him a much more interesting character and put a lot more at stake for both characters, and 2. I've always enjoyed those stories for some reason. Like, the President's Daughter types of things. I like those. I didn't find enough of those. So that's my suggestion, unless I overlooked a shit ton and it's actually already a cliché. It's up to you guys to inform me, cool? Cool.

4. She was abused and he saves the day

Okay, do you know how many of those "I was walking down a dark alley when I was attacked and almost raped by strangers when handsome, young CEO came and saved the day" scenerios I read? Too many. Waaaaay too many. And that's not okay.

I say it all the time, but r*pe is not something you just throw in a story for instant drama. Not unless you want to deal with the reprecussions (or have a character that doesn't want to deal with the effects because that's an interesting conflict too).

That or she comes from an abusive home and he shows her that not all men are bad or he literally rescues her from the situation. Guys, it has been my experience that if you're in an abusive situation, adding another person to the equation doesn't help. It makes things worse. If daddy is beating his daughter, finding out she has a boyfriend isn't going to save her. It's going to make him angry. And angry people hit a lot harder than people who are bored.

Also, a lot of people coming from abusive backgrounds typically suffer from low self esteem. And while that makes for very annoying, pity party characterization, it also makes for harsh reality. And it makes relationships incredibly difficult on any level.

For the longest time, people thought my best friend was the one who was abusive to me, because of how much I said thank you and sorry. Supposedly that's a tell-tale sign, but the problem was, I said it to everyone, not just him, so that was confusing for people who like to play superhero. And I get stuck in what we've always called "sorry" loops, where I answer everything with sorry. Those always annoyed him.

And he was used to it, because we grew up together, but I had boyfriends that didn't understand that my mood changed from day to day and sometimes it was okay if they held my hand or touched my arm, but some days it wasn't. Like, my best friend always knew to ask before he did something, or immediately after to make sure it wasn't bothering me.

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