Ch. 10- Something In Your Eyes

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“Your secret’s safe with me.” She smiled sweetly to him.

There was an awkward moment of silence between the two for a few moments, until Harry spoke up.

“So, I think it’s… my turn? Right?”

“Yeah!” She smiled again at the boy.

Harry had finally gotten the hang of the ‘game’, if you can even call it that. They asked a few more questions before deciding to split a piece of chocolate molten cake with 2 scoops of ice cream. They ordered and before they knew it, the cake showed up at the table.

Harry and Alainey hadn’t even noticed how quickly time was passing. They went through the entire cake and even ordered more ice cream so they could stay and get to know each other longer. They were laughing and learning about each other and joking around the entire time.

At first, the questions were simple. A lot of questions along the lines of “favorite movie? Cats or dogs? Coolest city you’ve been to?” etc. They’d even surprised each other with their answers from time to time. For example, all the fans know about Harry’s “obsession with pussies”, so it’s safe to assume he’s a cat person. But Alainey found out that Harry did in fact love dogs. He had always wanted a husky, although he’d never really tell anyone. She also found out that he could play guitar, which was really hot, not that she’d ever say that out loud.

Harry learned a lot about Alainey, also. He found out that she had one younger brother, Ryan, who was my brother’s age. The two boys were friends, but nothing like the friendship between Alainey and me. She also had an older sister, Julie, who was away in college in Texas.

Harry learned all about the friendship of Alainey and me. How the two of us met when we were 7, how we originally didn’t like each other because we had a crush on the same boy, and how our 2nd grade teacher put us together in a group project so we had to be nice to each other. He heard the story of how we became instant friends when we realized we both didn’t like the girl who Alainey sat next to, and how we bonded over juice boxes.

As the night grew later and later, the questions got more and more… intense. Alainey asked about Harry’s past relationships, and if any of the rumors were true. Harry asked Alainey if she’s ever been in love, to which she replied yes. They found out all about each other’s pasts, good and bad. They talked more in depth about their families, such as Harry’s parents’ divorce and Alainey’s parents over protectiveness, since she WAS the preacher’s daughter, after all.

Before they knew it, it was almost 1 a.m. The restaurant they were in was supposed to close at midnight, but they didn’t kick Harry and Alainey out. The main reason for this was… it was Harry Styles. On a date. If he was annoyed by anything at all, all he’d have to do is send one tweet and the restaurant would be shut down for ever. And the management didn’t want that, so they let the two stay uninterrupted until they felt like leaving.

Of course, once they realized how late it was and how tired the waiters probably were, they felt extremely bad. They grabbed their stuff and left a huge tip, along with a note on a napkin saying “Sorry we kept you here so long!” and headed out the door.

Harry led Alainey out to the car, which he had driven to the restaurant. It took a lot of work to convince Paul he was safe to drive and be there by himself without any security or drivers, but he managed to get permission.

The curly haired boy walked around to the passenger side door and opened it, allowing Alainey to step in the black S.U.V.

Once Alainey was inside, Harry closed the door and walked around to enter the driver’s seat, and he drove the two away. Harry headed to where the busses were, but was reminded by Cayley that they were staying in a hotel that night.  The drive was short and filled with more laughter as they sang along to the radio, which was playing songs from 1980’s.

I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) by Whitney Houston came on, and they belted every single word.

“I wanna daaaaance with somebody! With somebody who looooveesss meeeee” Alainey sang as loudly as she could as the song came to an end.

“I’ll dance with you” Harry smirked in reply to the line she just said. Her heart beat sped up to the speed of an airplane as she took his words in. He was only joking around, but he was definitely flirting. And as much as she hated to admit, she didn’t want him to stop flirting with her.

Alainey blushed as she looked down, tucking a loose strand of her wavy blond hair behind her ear. Neither one of them spoke one word for quite a few minutes.

“Fun fact!” Harry shouted after enough silence. “That song was the number 4 song in 1987!”

“Wow,” She replied with a giggle. “You must know everything!” She jokingly acted extremely amused.

“I don’t know eeeeverything. Just everything that has to do with music.” he teased back.

“It’s such a good song, that song. Shoulda been number one.”

“Right? It’s so catchy. And who doesn’t want to dance? I mean really people…. Why wasn’t it number one?” Harry laughed.

“It’s number one in my book.”

“Mine too.”

The rest of the ride was filled with more laughter and purposefully bad singing. Once they got to the hotel they were staying at, Harry parked around back and followed Alainey in through the secret entrance so they wouldn’t get attacked by fans and paparazzi, even though it was already 1:30 in the morning.

As the two got to their floor, Harry walked alongside Alainey towards their rooms, stopping at hers. Harry looked Alainey in the eyes for a moment, but then suddenly got shy again and looked down.

“Thanks for that not date, I had a lot of fun” Alainey said.

“Me too. I’m glad you had fun. Thanks for keeping me company.”

Alainey wrapped her arms around Harry’s torso as she pulled him in for a warm hug, which lasted a lot longer than intended.

“Goodnight, Harry” She whispered as she finally pulled away from the hug.

“Goodnight” He said and walked off.

Alainey got inside the room and realized she was the first of us to get back to the hotel room. She flopped down onto the bed and let out a long happy sigh, smiling profusely at nothing. Her night turned out so much different than she could have ever pictured. But it was surprisingly… really, really nice.


A/N: Ohmygosh it's been like two weeks since i've posted, i'm so sorry for that guys! I'm just gonna go ahead and write the next like 4 chapters tonight so that i can upload them all soon to make up for it :)

Reminder! If you want something coooool, maybe a dedication, maybe a bunch of comments, maybe something else (idk yet) try to guess the song from the chapter title! I need artist, title, and full line (:

Thank you to everyone who's reading, you guys seriously don't understand how much i love you all.

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