Chapter 12. Halloween.

Start from the beginning

"Kill me. Kill me now."  I say

Conor and Caspar drink.

"Never have I ever overheard flatmates having sex" Mikey says

"Oh back at it again you two" Conor chugs his drink.

"No seriously someone kill me" I say

Everyone laughs then Josh drinks. We look at Josh.

"You sound hot in bed not gonna lie" he says slightly tipsy

Jack goes to get up and go for him but I hold him back.

"Leave it he's drunk" I whisper "Oli your turn"

"Right, emm never have I ever got with a friends ex" Oli says

No one drinks.

"Wow no drinkers" Jack says

"Doesn't mean I wouldn't" Josh says under his breath.

Jack doesn't hear him luckily.

"Never have I ever fantasised about someone in this room" Jack says

Now that's stupid he knows the guys won't have done that about each other and I'm the only girl in the room. I'm so angry he's doing this and he's only going to hurt himself and embarrass me. Josh drinks. Jack looks around at the rest of the guys who are all looking down sheepishly.

"Just do it I know you have" Jack says

"Jack stop" I say raising my voice "You've just embarrassed us and our whole relationship what's wrong with you?"

I grab my stuff and storm out the front door. I text Joe telling him I'm walking to Gabbies. I arrive at the party and I'm welcomed by Gabbie. She notices I look upset. Me and her have never been that close, we were kinda friends when I was with Hobbie but after I moved not so much. She takes me to her upstairs bathroom and sits me down on the side of the bath and hands me a tissue.

"Is everything okay?" She asks

I fill her in on the Jack situation.

"He actually asked that?"

"Yeah" I reply

"It sounds like he was looking for some sort of conflict"

"He gets really jealous and Josh doesn't help especially when he's been drinking" I reply

"Come on let's get you a drink and have a dance"

Gabbie takes my hand and we go back downstairs and enjoy the start of the party. Dodie and a bunch of other youtubers are already here. It's about 9 before the guys turn up. I was dancing with Dodie when she pointed over to him. I turn around and see him. I don't know what to think, then he walks over.

"Can we talk?" He asks

I nod and we go to a quiet room upstairs. We sit on the end of the bed and are quiet for a moment.

"Why did you ask that question Jack?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I just got annoyed at what Josh said and then you had slept with other youtubers so my mind was going a bit mad and I just wanted to know. Turns out all of them had thought about you at some point. Even Conor though he won't admit it." Jack confesses.

"that doesn't mean it was when we were together."

"I know I just think I need to talk to josh because it's getting silly. He's stopped drinking after that all happened so hopefully he's sobered up."

I take Jacks hand.

"Let's just try and enjoy tonight okay"


He squeezes my hand and we head downstairs. The party has been going on for a few hours now and it's packed I was by the sofas with Conor and Josh drinking and talking.

"What was all that with Jack earlier?" Conor asks

I look to Josh

"He just gets jealous that's all" I reply

"I know it's my fault and I'm sorry. I just get bitter and petty when I've had a drink"

"I get that but it's hurting our relationship Josh"  I say

"I know and please believe me when I say it's not intentional"  Josh says sincerely "it's just hard always competing with Jack for girls"

"It's okay" I say

I give Josh a hug and he tightly hugs me back. We pull away and I keep my hands on his shoulders.

"You're an attractive lad Josh you don't need to compete with anyone okay"

"Okay" he says smiling.

I take my hands off his shoulders and take a sip of my drink.

"Where is Jack anyway" Josh asks

"Er I don't know, I'll go find him"

I take a lap round the party and Jack is nowhere to be seen but neither is Joe, maybe they're together. I head upstairs in search for them. I reach the spare room and see Joe standing at the door looking into the room.

"There you are, is Jack with you I can't find him?" I say walking over to Joe

He doesn't look away, he is fixated on the room. I walk up next to him and look in the room myself and then I see it. Jack and Lydia passed out on top of the bed. Jack was laying on his back with his arm out and Lydia was spread over him. They were still in their costumes so at least i know they didn't sleep together but this hurt so much. Who knows what they did do. Why and how has he ended up in this situation. Joe turns his head and looks at me.

"I hate him right now Joe" I say trying to hold in tears

"So do I" he replies

Imagine finding your boyfriend slung across a bed with his ex, it's not the best feeling in the world. I head downstairs and Conor and Josh come up to me.

"Did you find him?" Conor asks

"Yeah i fucking found him. Tell him he's a piece of shit" I say walking past Conor and out the front door

Conor's PoV

"I'll get Dodie" Josh says walking away

I see Joe walking down the stairs.

"What happened?" I ask

At this point Josh and Dodie walk up behind me.

"Jacks passed out with Lydia upstairs" Joe says

"Where is she?" Dodie asks

"Out front" I reply

Dodie leaves.

"What's he playing at" I say sighing "he knows how much (y/n) likes him and he's told me a hundred times that he's not into Lydia."

"Guess we'll find out soon" Josh says

End of chapter twelve.

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