Chapter 7

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Oh man it feels amazing to be back I think this might be a short chapter I don't know. My views of how this book is going to go is changing but you'll like it don't worry. 

Pause I wrote this chapter a month ago and didn't upload it because I was having  really bad month but now I am back and guess what? I got a MacBook Pro today so guess who's getting updates on the regular ^_^

"So what happened to you last night? I didn't even know you left until I woke up this morning and your bed was made up"

I sat on the couch remembering the events that took place. No we didn't do anything other than kiss but he didn't let me go home until early this morning either.  He stayed over at his building of course but he also left me for a few hours.

Was I pissed? Yes. I didn't want to talk about it to Maria because then she won't leave me alone without asking questions. I didn't want that.  I love her to death but now is not the time. I have to figure out how to get away from him even if that means switching classes or schools. I can practically go anywhere I want. 

"I stayed over a new friend's house" I lie through my teeth

"Ohh" she raises her eyebrow "What's his name?" 

I roll my eyes.

"It wasn't a guy it was a girl. I met her at the pool. She's very sweet and we click like that"

Maria frowned.

"Will she be your new best friend" 

Bingo. Got her right where I wanted.

"No, she's just a friend Maria calm down. No one can replace you" I smile 

I really hate lying but at least most of it's true.  

It's Sunday in the afternoon and I'm so hungry. Mr.Rodriquez didn't even feed me that little shit. I'm debating if I should go out to eat or stay in and cook.

I decide to stay in and cook then study some more. I did all my homework on Friday so I could relax but I think I need to study just a bit more so I can get all A's

I go into the kitchen and look around to see what there is to eat. I see all the ingredients to make chicken soup. I was really feeling soup these past few days and now I have time to make it.

I grab all the ingredients to make my mom's famous chicken soup.  Two hours later I was sweating and ready to sit back and relax.  Maria was still in bed getting some rest in and I couldn't blame her.

I start to think about Mr.Rodriguez,  it was no doubt that I loved the way he handled me but I also hate the way he tries to tell me what to do. If I wasn't his student it would be something different but it's not peaches and cream. Not only do I have to see him during classes but he's making me work for him. I have to figure out how to avoid him for the next few weeks just to clear my head. 

This is an extremely short chapter but I promise there's a reason why it's so short this chapter was her reflecting weekend basically and nothing interesting would happen so I made it short. I will be updating sometime next week I'm really excited 

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