The connection

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It was a few days since Spider-Man was cleared by Simmons. Agent May gave Spider-Man a bit of a hard time for taking the dagger for her, but Spider-Man had just responded with "With great power comes great responsibility... and you're one of mine". Spider-Man was focused on his training under Agent May.
"Focus Peter (Peter allowed May to learn his secret after she agreed to be his SO... but May agreed not to tell anyone of his real identity).... use your..." Agent May said... but she didn't get a chance to finish as Spider-Man used his superior speed to grab her and toss her on the ground. Agent May smiled.
"I'm proud of you... even without your powers I'm starting to struggle  (as Peter can hold back to the point of seeming... normal... fact is... if Spider-Man wanted to he can kill a person in one punch as that punch has ten tons of force behind it) but with the amount you normally allow yourself to use... I can't seem to win anymore" Agent May said. Peter smiled.
"Melinda (Peter is now one of the only people she will allow call her by her first name)... thanks" Peter said.
"No problem Parker.... and Skye wanted to see you" May said. Peter nodded putting on his mask and walking out of the training area.

Spider-Man walked into Skye's van and sat next to her, taking off his mask as he did so.
"Hey Skye" Peter said. Skye smiled.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" Skye asked.
"Better now" Peter answered truthfully. Skye nodded.
"Good" Skye said.
"Hey Peter... I don't really know if I should ask but... how did you become Spider-Man" Skye asked. Peter looked at her with a serious expression.
"To understand that let's go to the beginning" Peter said.

"A bit before my parents died in a plane crash, I was dropped off at my Uncle Ben and Aunt May's house. They pretty much became my mom and dad. I found this brief case that belonged to my dad. The clues there lead me to Oscorp where the cross species spiders were... one of them bit me while Gwen Stacy, someone very important to me, was giving me a very angry look as she worked at Oscorp as a student intern" Peter explained. Skye nodded.
"One day I got into an argument with my Uncle Ben..  and that's when he told me the long version of my dad's saying... With great power comes great responsibility.... when you can do something for the good of others you have a moral obligation to do those things... it's not a choice... but a responsibility" Peter said.
"That night... I went to a store where I am sure the guy tried to rip me off after I didn't have a few pennies to pay for some milk, a guy robbed the place, gave me the milk and ran off. When the store dude asked me to help him, I didn't... and... the guy who robbed the store shot my Uncle Ben... I held his hand while he died... it was the worst feeling ever... at first I was Spider-Man for revenge... then I realized as I started saving more lives... that I had amazing powers... and I was going to use them responsibly... by saving lives" Peter explained.
"Wow... well.... I never knew my parents, every foster parent I ever knew gave me up... I don't think they liked me, you, Coulson,... you guys were the first to really care about me and... thank you" Skye said.
"So who was Gwen Stacy?" Skye asked. 

"Gwen... was the love of my life" Peter said. Skye looked shocked.
"I'm sorry about the break up" Skye said. Peter shook his head.
"I wish it was a break up. You see I first meet Gwen... really met Gwen after I stood up to the high school bully Flash Thompson.... her father was the police chief... he didn't like Spider-Man very much. But Gwen admired me after I told her about being Spider-Man... we had already loved each other by that time. She was the one that made the Lizard serum antidote I shot in the sky at the top of Oscorp. She was beautiful, smart, fearless... you kinda remind me of her" Peter said.
"So when Electro escaped Ravencroft with Harry Osborn... my former best friend who became the Green Goblin... She helped me restore power to the city and helped me beat Electro... but Harry came soon after that. And we fought in a clock tower... after I knocked out Harry... Gwen fell.... I couldn't save her... and I tried... but soon after my web caught her... she already hit the floor... I held a dead Gwen in my arms... she was the one I was visiting when we met" Peter said. Skye gasped.
"Peter... I'm so sorry" Skye said.
"We've both been broken... and you... make me happy Skye" Peter said, but Skye cut him off by kissing him.
"You won't lose me Peter" Skye said.
"When you took that dagger... I was scared..." Skye started but was cut off by Peter kissing her.
"Let's focus on the present Skye" Peter said. Skye smiled.

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