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                           It was a Monday, and i was almost late to school. I jumped on my feet and got ready in a hurry.In my opinion, Mondays are really boring. That day, my dad dropped me off to school. I hurried inside the school. And i wasn't really late after all.

 I entered the classroom.My classmates were eyeing me.I didn't know why.Our teacher usually arrives a little bit early on Mondays, but today her seat was empty.Some of the guys were shouting.And the girls were talking.

I was looking down and when i almost made it across the teacher's table, Jason appeared in front of me.I looked up to see his blue eyes.There was a pin drop silence in the class which usually had the noise of a music festival.I took my eyes away, and i walked pass him.

A hand grabbed me by my wrist.And i knew it was Jason's.He pulled me by my hand. He pulled gently yet forcefully that i was so close to him now.He slide his hand on my waist and pulled me even closer.From the corner of my eye, i could see everybody's reactions to that. I looked back at the blue eyes.

 "Let me go" I whispered. He held me even tighter.I tried to go but he held even tighter. I was afraid that the teacher was going to walk in any moment now.

I slapped him so hard that i kind of regretted.But he deserved it. I walked away.And once again the same hand grabbed my wrist.I turned to face the blue eyes again.

"YOU ARE MINE" He said in a soft voice.

"Sshe's here" a guy screamed at the door.We all knew, it was time to get back into our places.

I felt Laura's eyes on me.She was my bestfriend.I looked at her to see, she was smiling.Almost everyone in the class was in love, except for me.Laura was in love with Liam. The teacher came in and started her lesson.And i couldn't concentrate on it. And then when i almost concentrated on it, i would see blue eyes staring at me, across the classroom,across the girls.

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