{Chapter 1}

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Katelyn's POV

I stand at Aphmau's door and knock on it. I hear her get up and walk over to the door . "Hey Aphmau." I say to her and smile "Hey Katelyn!" She says happily . I love how happy she always is. "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to have a Anime night tonight." I say to her. "Sure!" She says smiling . "Awesome!" I say smiling

~time skip (brought to you by Travicorns xD )

I put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and listen to it pop. I turn and grab the box of Oreos I bought I hear the microwave beep and open it. I walk into the living room and sit beside Aphmau. I sit the bag of pop corn in between us. Aphmau turns the TV on and puts Netflix on. "What Anime do you want to watch?" She asks me "how about Soul Eater or Blue Exorcist?" I suggest "Okay Soul Eater it is." She clicks on Soul Eater.

~time skip~

After about 5 episodes Aphmau is asleep on my shoulder . I blush a bit and eventually fall asleep too...

~time skip ~

I wake up and see that Aphmau is still asleep. I pick up my phone and look at the time. Its is 9:00 AM . I carefully get making sure I don't wake her. I walk into the kitchen and start making waffles for us.

~time skip ~

I put the waffles on the plates and set them down on the table and walk into the living room. "I made you some waffles, Aph" I tell her. She gets up and walks into the dining room. "Thank you, Katelyn." she says smiling. We start eating.

~time skip ~


K:Hey Aph want to go hang out at the park?

Aph: Sure

K:I'll meet you there at 3 o'clock, Okay?

Aph: okay

{End of conversation}

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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