Part 2 Explained (again)

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Okay I'm gonna explain the story again cause I'm pretty sure fin didn't explain it properly,
It all start on an undercover op.

Me, Fin, Rollins, and Amaro were undercover Amanda and I were prostitutes and fin was my pimp and Amaro was Manda's. We were supposed do a deal and trade girls and Catch other people trafficking the girls. But it didn't go to plan, because this other pimp, Riche$, took an interest in me he tried to buy me but Fin stepped in and said, "No, that's my bitch." Then he kiss me with tongue, and God did it feel right. But after he kissed me, Riche$ tried to fight for me and Fin beat his ass to a pulp. Then we had to leave cause we "made a scene", so Amaro, Rollins, Elliot and Munch finished the bust.

Fin then took me house and he confessed that he did like me and I kinda liked him too, so we tried it out. AS you can see it when well because 5 years later(season 9), he proposed to me. that was also after and undercover op. It was after the Sealview op.

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