❀Chapter 8❀

Comincia dall'inizio

"I don't know. Usually it would be you but you're here, so I don't know."

I took the phone out from my pocket, looking at the caller ID. I didn't think I'd hear from him again.

"It's Nate. From the party you took me to recently," I stated.

He shrugged, and I pushed the green button on my phone, and put the device to my ear.

"Hey Jess," He said.

"Hi Nate."

"Um, how are you?"

"Fine. You?"


"So.. I was wondering, if you were, um, busy? Any day this week?" He asked shyly.

"Oh Nate, I'm um- I'm leaving." I slowly said in sadness.

"Leaving? For what? Like, vacation? Because we can always reschedule-"

"No Nate, you don't understand. I'm leaving Australia. To go to America," I said as I rubbed the back of my sweaty neck.

"By the way, I have a boyfriend. But no hard feelings right?" I said, looking at Luke who was playing with one of those toys where you put both of your fingers into the material and you have to try to take them out. I was always amazing at it, but Luke was always horrible.

"Oh, um." Nate gulped which I heard over the phone. "Yeah, of course. No hard feelings. I'm just- why are you leaving for- leaving Australia?" He questioned hesitantly.

I chuckled, and shook my head. "My father has been diagnosed with lung cancer. There are better hospitals in America then there are here. We have to leave immediately. My dad, he's- he's in a coma." I said, struggling to accept the fact that he is on the verge of death. But, as he always told me, never lose faith. So, I'm going to keep my head held high and hope for the best.

But, I just don't understand. Why does he have to have cancer? Why couldn't I be the one in the hospital bed? I'm the one with the issues. I'm the one with the attitude. I'm the one who has a sucky life. He is kind, gentle, understanding, compassionate. He doesn't deserve any of this.

"Jess? Is something wrong?" Nate asked.

"I have to go," I said quickly, and pressed the red button that ended the call. I ran over to Luke who was still on my bed playing with the toy. I jumped into his arms, sobbing into his red flannel.

He whispered comforting things into my ear, as I cried uncontrollably.

"Don't ever give up. Don't ever give up on me. I love you, you know that right?"

I picked my head up from his chest, and looked up to his crystal blue eyes. He was smiling down at me, and I nodded in response.

"I love you. But, I think I stained your flannel," I chuckled, wiping my eyes with my palm.

I sat up, and looked at the mascara stained clothing.


"It's okay, I mean, if you weren't my girlfriend, I would probably be mad. But I'll let it slide. Just this once," He explained.

An Open Road ➼ HemmingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora