Harry sick- for tapdancedrummer

Start from the beginning

I nodded, wincing as it throbbed in protest. I wanted to warn him that getting so close to me right now probably wasn't the best idea but he didn't know, and I sure as hell wasn't going to tell him.

All I could do was hope that I made it through the night.


"Alright, I'm starved. Can we call for some food now?" 

Louis rolled off the couch and spread-eagled on the carpet, as if that's just what people did when they were hungry.

"Yeah, I'm getting to that point too," Niall agreed, although he didn't go as far as to physically throw himself of the couch to express his hunger as Louis had. He peeked over at Liam who rolled his eyes.

"And you want me to do it? You two are big enough and ugly enough to do it yourselves you know." He chuckled, "you want anything Harry?"

I honestly had zero appetite at all. The thought of food seemed foreign.

But if I didn't have something it would rise suspicion, especially since I hadn't eaten any breakfast.

I was going to have to trust my voice for one sentence.

"Some fruit would be nice."

 I grinned, pretending as if I hadn't cracked like a pubescent teen smack-bang in the middle and finished one tone lower than the beginning.

Niall smiled hopefully at Liam, "you'll call it?"

Liam sighed and got up for the phone on the table, "only because you'll screw it up."

"Thanks Li!" Louis called after him.

Ten minutes later there was a click and the door swung open. A woman wheeled a trolley in and quickly scampered away, locking the door behind her as if she'd been told we would try to escape.

"She seemed nice," Liam said as we all watched the closed door, a little surprised by what had just happened.

Niall shrugged as he pushed himself up off of me and quickly ran over to the food cart, "she brought food, she could've slapped me on the back of the head and shot me in the kneecap but she still would've seemed like an angel."

 I muffled a couple of sneezes into my sleeves while they were all distracted. I'd been holding them in for the past couple of minutes.

 Liam held it out a fruit salad in a tall plastic cup in one hand as he dug through the cart with the other, "here's yours Haz."

 I stood up and instantly stumbled as all the blood rushed to my head. I managed to catch myself on the couch before I could hit the ground, and nobody else saw, but I couldn't help but feel a little worried as I blinked the remains of the light-headed feeling away.

I took the cup from Liam as if nothing had happened but I could feel my hands trembling and I was quick to sit back down as my vision continued to swim in front of me.

I shivered despite being clothed in a long sleeve and jumper, with a pair of jeans. A fluffy pair of grey bed socks were on my feet and I even had a beanie on. It wasn't too warm so I didn't look to strange, even Niall was wearing a jersey today and he usually didn't feel the cold too much.

I shifted slightly as I sucked a grape into my mouth. I was sweating, that I knew, and I also knew that sweat paired with shivering usually meant one thing.

 I added a fever to my mental list of things wrong with me and hoped it wasn't too high.


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