The One and Only (3)

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He's a traitor. Robert remembered the words Nicole had said once. As he was standing on the beach he imagined he could see the destroyed research facility. Nicole's accusation hadn't been wrong, he realised. He'd betrayed her, but he'd also betrayed all of Senna. He'd betrayed the scientists he'd hired himself, and the many, many girls who'd trusted him before he lowered them into the pit.

He looked at the girl who was playing in the waves, laughing and waving at him. He smiled back at her, and she continued to toy around. He'd betrayed her once, and caused her death. He should've believed her back then, when she'd told him she was innocent. The Nicole back then would never have harmed anyone, least of all him. This Nicole, on the other hand... this morning she'd killed another woman. Every day for years now.

The constant deaths had to stop, Robert thought. He couldn't stand the thought of another person screaming. Nicole had already killed at least twice the amount of people that had originally lived in the village. No, at least ten times. Her revenge should have ended by now.

It should have ended, Robert thought, when the last person who was alive during her death died. After that there was nobody guilty left.

'What're you thinking about?' Nicole was standing over him and smiling. He hadn't even noticed she'd come out of the water.

'Nothing,' Robert answered. Right now wasn't the right time. He frowned. When would be the right time?

'Let's go home!' Nicole said, 'I'm bored now.'

'When will you be done?' Robert asked. Nicole raised an eyebrow.

'Done? I just said I was done.'

'How many people do you still have to kill?'

Nicole looked at the distance.

'Who knows,' she said, 'When my feelings tell me I'm done with my revenge. I'm not done yet.'

'You should be done by now,' Robert said, 'You killed so many already.'

'So what.' Nicole's expression turned serious. She looked at the town and frowned.

Robert got up and took Nicole's hand. She immediately pulled it back.

'Don't you think I should get my revenge? I don't care even if I kill everyone on this planet, as long as I can get my revenge for...'

'For what?'

'Whatever they did to me.'

Robert wanted to tell her that it was enough, but her expression told him that he shouldn't disagree with her any further.

'You know what they did, don't you? Why won't you tell me?' Nicole asked.

'Because it's in the past.' Robert said as he walked towards the building in which they lived. Nicole followed him.

'Who are you anyway? You're immune to my powers, you never listen to me, and I'm still not sure if you're on my side or not.'

'Of course I'm on your side,' Robert said, 'You'll need to remember everything else yourself. I've told you so often already.'

'You know I'll never remember.'

Back at home Robert thought about Nicole's words. She'd never remember. For her, he'd always be the priest who sent her sacrifices, the man who betrayed everyone.

It made him sad to think she'd never remember him, or her own past. The current Nicole was adorable, she was someone he could love, but she wasn't the Nicole from his past.

Perhaps that Nicole had died that night, the same night he'd died.

He turned around to see two of Nicole's victims standing there. How long had they been watching him?

'Nicole, if you don't trust me you can just say it,' he told the two women. He'd learned that they had a telepathic connection to their mistress. Neither of the two women answered.

Robert turned back away from the women.

Was there a way to get the old Nicole back? He put his hand against the glass and looked outside. The old Nicole, the one who didn't want to kill him. The one from before all of this had happened.

'I'm tired,' he sighed.

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